
When you're on a date with a guy and he is?

by  |  earlier

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just straight up DUMB, do you continue on the date with him and have him pay for everything with no kiss goodnight or just cut the date short?




  1. I'm really hoping I never end up on a date with a guy...and I sure as h**l not kissing him goodnight

  2. You finish the night off, no kiss good night, just a thank you and CYA

  3. Well good morning.

    It all depends where we are at. In NYC Tavern On the Green deserves a bit of discomfort on my part. He will be paying through his pores. I will continue on the day and sort of meditate through it. you know he talking and you hear hmmmmmmmmmmmm smile nod and say how nice. No kiss cause he made you uncomfortable with his dumbness. You are gorgeous dont waste time on the dummies. Good luck

  4. I continue cause i wouldn't want to make him feel bad :)

  5. If on the flip side I was with a woman like that, I would pay for everything but cut the date as short as possible.  No kiss either

  6. I think you should go home with him and get Nekkid


    Edit: Go away Willis

  7. be cordial,

    let him off easy, men like women who are straight forward

    unless your hustling him for dinner because your broke, I don't think you would, even if you were hungry

    being honest is a good practice

    if hes not your type - the only thing the dates good for is comparison- from 1 dude to another

    most importantly, be yourself

  8. Have him pay for everything!!!

    (Willis didn't get laid last night)

  9. cut it short and good things will follow

  10. Can I answer about women? I have been set up with some really less than intelligent ladies. But I have not treated them with disrespect, I finish the date and leave them feeling that we just had a great time as friends. Willis You need to get a life man.

  11. Well I guess Willis was the guy, heh? what a douche.

    and when I say douche, I mean Douche Bag.

  12. I wouldn't mind going on a date and acting like a fool to get you laugh.

    I hope that's different.

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