
When you're over at your friend's house, do you help yourself to their fridge or do you bring your own stuff?

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When you're over at your friend's house, do you help yourself to their fridge or do you bring your own stuff?




  1. If your friend invites you to help youself to what's in the fridge, then go right ahead.  Otherwise, don't.  It would be rude.

  2. I walk directly to his refrigerator, and sometimes I walk in front to his Mom to get there.

  3. hahah every where i go, as soon as I walk in I walk straight to the fridge! lol

    man one time i helped myself to some cheese and ham hot pockets at my buddies house, lil did i know he had those same hot pockets for over a year in the fridge and i ate them. and for the next week i had the worst case of diarrhea in history man! lol

  4. I wait until I'm offered but I wouldn't be their friend if they couldn't at least offer a drink anyway. I wouldn't bring my own food either. I think it's general etiquette that you should offer guests refreshments when they come to your house.

  5. bring my own or wait for them to offer

  6. I usually bring my own things so they won't have to ***** about me eating up all their food, when I hardly eat other people's food. But it's OK for them to go in my fridge without my permission, & then eat my food right in front my face & then lecture me about spending my $$ on junk food. But they're eating MY so-called "junk" food for free. I mean, just STEALING in front my face!  

  7. If they invite me once a year, I let them serve me. If I go there often, I bring my own stuff.

  8. haha good question, but it depends on the friend, I have one friend and we are really close and I'll just be like "I'm gonna go make myself a grilled cheese sandwich" and she'll be like "okay, I think I am gonna make myself one too..." haha no joke...

    however if I don't know the person too well or I am not over there alot I don't mention food or bring my own, I just wait until they say something...

    hope I could help!

  9. pssshhhhhhh.........I help myself lol and so do they :p

    if you're good friends with them then go ahead

    if you haven't been friends for a while then bring your own food, or just eat when they eat or something =]

  10. tell them your hungry and theyll be like lets go get some food nigguh! and then wham bam thank you ma'am, you have food.

  11. It depends on just how good a friend they are. If you have known them forever and they are cool with you being in their fridge, then go for it. If they are not that close of a friend you should bring your own stuff and offer to share.

  12. Take your own stuff.  That way you're sure to have what you like.  NEVER just go to somebody's house and help yourself to their food.

  13. My friends and I are so close we do whatever we want at each others house...And we also bring our own stuff and cook together.We break bread...

  14. Well, if i am at my friends house...i serve my self (good friends)

    They also server their self in my house...Now dont go to some guy u just met n go into his fridge...that b pretty weird lol

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