
When you're so scared about not knowing what the future awaits for you..?

by  |  earlier

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what do you do?

what do you tell yourself?




  1. I don't think or worry about the future at all.  What comes, comes.

  2. If everyone puts on a worried and scary face every day and everywhere he goes, watching every person's move and worrying whether something  may drop on his head from every window, they will surely bump into one another. The situation will be chaotic and humorous in public.

    And if you worry day and night, that next year you may meet with a tragedy, or you may not pass your exams or find a job, i believe that your health will deteriorate, you will put on a gloomy face, not concentrating on what you are doing, leading to mistakes and accidents. So the best thing i would do, is to think that as the future is unpredictable, i might as well concentrate on this very moment and do the best i can. I would focus on my studies or work  and perform to the best of my ability. I would then feel satisfied and sleep well at night. The adequate sleep will enable me to concentrate well in class or workplace tomorrow, which would be another fun-filled and productive day. I would relax, go swimming or have a beer at the end of the day.

    I should constantly tell myself that most people, including my friends arent  as scared as me in such an extreme manner and i should not worry unduly to miss precious moments. I should live life to the fullest by taking one thing at a time, and enjoy myself from one moment to another.

    Hope the tips help you in some way. Smile, and cheers! :-))

  3. People take a day at a time and on tough days an hour at a time...sounds stupid....but it works for me when I am stressed about someting.

    The best you can do though for the future is to prepare

    yourself for it today.

    Get an education, save money, go to church, be kind, and

    just let everything else fall in it's place.

    Live for today while preparing for tomorrow is my motto.

    Well, hope I helped you out some.

    Have a good deserve it!!!!    :)                  :)          

    Great question. :)

  4. I tend to live in the moment...

    tend to the present and the future will take care of it's self...

  5. Just enjoy or think the good things around presently. Otherwise to develop that kind of attitude like being easily scared of tomorrow will only lead to anxiety which will obviously aggreviates the unfavorable things that may lie ahead in the future instead.

  6. you can only see maybe an hour into the future the rest you cant worry about good luck

  7. I use to be in that position.  I was negative, and I didn't know how I was going to survive in my future.  Then I realized, I need to trust in my God, that he has a plan for my life.  I need to stop worrying about finding a spouse, and I needed to start working on figuring out the woman I am, and what I am made of.  NOW that I am here, and I know myself I am happier than I have ever been.  I don't have anything to worry about with my future, because I have surrendered that part of my life up to my God, and he is leading me in the right direction to meet the people I need to know, and have the experiences necessary in the preparation!

    Thanks for reading!

  8. Wait & see, make decisions & don't look back. That's all you can do.

  9. Fear of it is a stupid as any other single emotive reaction something unknown

    has anyone been celebrating an unknown future? none but the most optimisitic!

    and similalry it's none but he most timid and cowardly that fear the unknown.

  10. Since this fear is only in the mind, I got to the mind to make the change. I ask what if? What if I end up better than ever. What if that person likes me as much as I like him/her? What if I find a way to cure this? What if my life changes for the better? What if I move & actually like the new place better than this place I think I love so much? What if I go to that party & meet people I never dreamed could be in this world cause they are so great? What if it doesn matter how old I am & everything turns out great anyway?.....get the idea? I coach people & we do this alot with specific situations & it is a life changing exercise...Of course there are many other things I suggest they do also besides others exercises in reframing their thoughts...we would take all the fears, negative thoughts they have & think of the most positive things that could happen instead & they would carry the new info. on a peice of paper in their pocket until they actually felt peaceful about life in the present moment which is the only place we have any power...I would suggest they change their life so they are more relaxed. Exercise, yoga, eating a certain way, etc. There is so much you can do to live a joy-filled life so why live any other way.

  11. Don't be frightened, go on and live your life to the full!

  12. ive have that every now and again but with rather trivial stuff that ahppens within hours. nevertheless, i just tell myself to chill, and ask myself whats the worst that could happen ?

  13. I used to eat myself up about.  But now I've taught myself to only focus on the future I have some controls over and disregard the things I have no chance of changing.  It will drive you batty.

  14. I will take a look at the picture here

    and said to myself.

    The future cannot be anything worst than this.

  15. This worries me like everyday....I try to tell myself you just can't control everything and to take things as they come, its pointless to stress and be afraid over the future all the time, you'll die earlier.

  16. That the future is a question mark and that it is a certainty that it will not last long should not unnerve you. We must live with an attitude to face the bleakness of it and the end of it. This attitude will calm down your anxiety.

  17. Yesterday is history

    Tomorrow is mystery

    and "today" is a "Gift"

    that is why it is called "present"

    Live it well!

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