
When you've lost a pet, did it feel like you lost a family member?

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Last week, our cat was killed (by a neighbors dog) in our own backyard. He was so sweet, and affectionate. We had him for 10 years, and he had many good years left in him.

I love my wife, children, parents, and siblings very much but couldn't imagine being any more (or less) saddened if I lost one of them so suddenly. And, that's certainly not to say that I wouldn't be devastated by one of their losses because I love them so much and they mean everything to me. It's more of a testament to how much I absolutely loved our cat. It felt like losing a family member, and a best friend. I know that some people don't feel such extreme love for their pets, and the law certainly treats animals like property.

What are your thoughts about your pets (that you currently have or have lost)? Do they seem like immediate family members, or do they seem more like really close friends that share your home?

Just trying to see if I'm "psycho" when compared to other people out there.....




  1. My dog, Dylan, a golden retriever, was like a close friend but he was not an inside dog so i would not be as close as possibly you were but every body save michael vick is devestated by the loss of there animals

  2. Absolutely, I had a terrible accident a few years ago which involved my 17 year old cat, he died as a result. I was physically sick with grief over what happened.

    Everyone says it but time is the only healer for grief.

    Yes, they are like a member of the family and should be remembered with the same love.

    You are NOT a psycho and ignore anyone who says that, you are someone who loves very much.

  3. Don't worry, your not "psycho". I had to put my dog to sleep and i cried for weeks. And when my hamster died i cried for days... So, I think it's perfectly normal to think of your pets as family members.

    BTW, sorry about your cat... :(

  4. i am still not over the death of my moxie and that was like 5 years ago, i know what you are talking about. i am very sorry for your loss!  

  5. I know how u feel

    i lost 2 cats and I am broken now

    it is s sad they were like a familly t me

  6. you are definitely NOT psycho! i lost a cat in October from kidney failure. she was twenty, and I'm thirteen, so id had her my whole life. She was family. you know how people always say that time always takes the pain of a loss away? ive found that in time, it doesn't vanish, you merely learn to live with it. When you're lying in bed at night, thinking about him, don't think about how sad you are that he's passed on. Think about the times that he made you laugh, the times he made you happy. Try to remember every detail about him you can.

    hope this helps,


  7. its normal if you love your animals.

    When I was 15, I found a day old kitten, hes mum had deserted him, and when I found him he was half dead :( My vet told me not to get attached because it didnt look promising. I called him Jerry, and couldnt help it, I loved him. He used to sleep in my moccassin till he was big enough to climb up on my bed. I fed that kitten every 4 hrs, with a tiny teat and a small cleaned out vanilla essence bottle full of special formula for baby animals. As he got bigger, he slept on my pillow, and he slowly put on weight, and by the time he was 6 months old he was a beautiful rich colored orange tabby, with a loving nature and he was my shadow. I think he thought I was his real mum lol

    I argued with my folks about whether we should let him outside. We didnt live on a busy street, and my folks were adamant a cat needed to go outside for fresh air, and do cat like things. I argued that he was happy, didint know what he was missing anyway, and I wanted him left as an inside cat. The folks won.

    The second day he went outside, he chased a leaf blowing across the road, and got hit by a car. I was shattered. I cried for days, and couldnt even talk about Jerry for a long time afterwards. I barely spoke to my parents for months. I felt his loss for a very long time :(

    Cats, dogs, pet rats, ANY animal can become part of the family. They can teach you life lessons, and they are companions. Anyone that treats their animal badly, doesnt deserve to own one!

  8. Your not alone on how you feel. I have 2 dogs and if anything happened to them I would be devastated. I am sorry for your loss. If you are psycho then so am I because I feel the same way. My dogs are like my children and will always be like that.  

  9. I know how you feel.

    I lost my 18 year old tortoiseshell, who had been with me since I was 8 years old, to cancer last November.  It took months for me to stop seeing her out of the corner of my eye or thinking I heard her collar jingling.  

    That cat was with me through some tough times.  But she was in so much pain toward the end that it seemed inhumane to keep her alive.  It's been almost a year since I had to have her put to sleep and I still really, really miss my kitty.

    You have my sympathy.

  10. I know exactly how you feel....

    We have lost both cats and a Dog. Every time it is terrible. I do consider them Family and even like children.

    You are not psycho!!!

  11. YES!  You are not crazy.

    Unless I am too.  My cat has a UTI and I've been crying all night because I feel guilty that I let her feel pain and didn't catch it sooner.  My cat is most definitely part of my family -- she is the best cat on earth -- and knowing she is even sick is tearing me up inside.  I feel like my "child" is sick.

    You are not crazy -- you are grieving and that is very normal.

    In due time, adopt a kitten.  They are hilarious!!!  And they will lighten your spirit.

  12. I am sooo sorry for your loss!!!  :(

    I totally agree with you.  Many people actually form bonds with their pets that are closer than that with their own family members.  It is not strange at all.  The love and loyalty we receive from our furry friends is unconditional.   They never let us down or judge us.  They are always there when we need them.  They don't lie or cheat or steal - well maybe they steal a bit of food off of the table now and then lol....

    But most of all they just continue to love us just the way we are!!!   :)

    So, you are NOT psycho.  You have lost a piece of your heart and it hurts.  My own heart goes out to you as well as my prayers.  xoxo

  13. Aw, im sorry to hear of your loss. And I think, animals grow a place in your heart, then become a member of your family!! So I think, losing an animals, is as words as losing a family member.

    I lost my cat, on the 4th. & It was awful. He was the best cat, you could wish for!

  14. I used to have a poodle but gave it back to the breeder due to behavior issues not even three dog trainers could handle. My cousin in California recently lost her elderly cat to a terminal illness. I have lost my mother to melanoma and more in my family to brief illness.

    However, I feel that you have lost one of your family. I offer my sincere condolences.

  15. One of our cats was killed by our own dogs, after living together for ages. Even though she wasn't mine (she was my sister's) I still felt very sad about it. All our cats are like family members. My mum's cat is the king cat in this house, and he knows it. My sister's convinced her new cat is the princess. My cat's a whimp, but I love him. I love my cats and would be devastated if anything happened to them.

  16. I've always considered any pet I've had through  the years to be a family member with  a tail. I talk to my pets like they're people and I try to feed them so they don't get bored with the menu just like family members. I know how you feel about your cat. I've had a few that I've lost and it still hurts to this day even if I've lost them many years ago. I now have two cats. You're not psycho! The photo next to my name is my Oliver.

  17. My cat is my family member. When my family and I watch TV, he'll sit on with us as if he's also watching. He also has his own little teddy bear :)

    No, you're definitely not a Psycho. My family and I considered animals as family members. It's normal to have affection towards animals that are close to us.

    I'm really sorry for your loss.....

  18. a lot of people feel that way, including me.  about 2 years ago I lost my toy poodle Nikki.  we've always had dogs, but this was the first one that was my dog.  i always brought her treats, little shirts, walked her.  when she passed away, i cried a lot, and even now just talking about her i start to get that feeling.  my mother still cries over old pets, they were family members.  they were there for us when we were sad, when we were bored, needed someone to cuddle with.  i wish more people felt this way about their pets b/c our pets love us so much and it should be the same both ways.  cats arnt just cats and dogs arnt just dogs.

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