
When you adopt a child does it feel the same as having a biological child?

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I have a biological daughter that I love more then anything in the world. I can't imagine ever loving anything or anyone more except another child. If I were to adopt a child is it the same feeling of love or does it feel more like how you love another family member or close friend? I'm looking for serious answers from personal experience of having both biological and adopted children. Thanks!




  1. My husband and I had 3 bio children-2 boys and 1 girl. We wanted another child and decided that our 4th should join our family thru adoption. I feel exactly the same about my adopted daughter as I do about my 3 bio children. We love her without reservation. She IS our little girl.

  2. I have two bio and three all depends on what age they are when you take them in. I love my 5 y/o just the same as my bio daughters. I took him in at 4mos old. He is my heart! The other two were bigger. They were 2 &6 and are now 6&10. To be completely honest, I do not love them as much and cannot ever put them before or even at the same point as my other 3 kids. I didnt bond with them since they were small babies like the other 3. Dont take me wrong. I DO care but its just not the same and I know my kids feel the same way.

  3. I have two is adopted and one is currently a foster child that we are working on adopting.  Our adopted child is african american and our foster/adopt child is blonde hair blue eyes very fair complextion....just like my husband and I.  Most people just assume he is ours, and he is built like my husbands famiy.  I could never imagine loving a child more than I love these two.  Many people ask us if we favor our little blonde boy, but NO! Is the answer....they are both ours and we love them just the same as if they had our blood running through our veins!  

    Good luck and congrats in advance!

  4. I cannot speak about the bio child side of things, however, your question reminded me very much of my own thoughts & feelings when we were considering adoption.  I worried that I would not be able to love an adoptive child as my own.  However, once I laid eyes on my son - there was no doubt in my mind.  I would lay down my life for my son if necessary.  There is no doubt in my mind that I love this child just as much as if I had given birth to him.  I don't even consider the fact that he was adopted other than when I am talking to others about adoption or during his medical visits (as he has a medical disorder that was inherited).  My son is my son - simple as that.  :)

    Hope that helps a bit.

  5. Well, I don't have children yet but I was adopted almost 33 years ago when I was 9 days old.  

    My parents adore me - honestly, if I never told people, no one would ever suspect I wasn't their bio child.  We've have a totally natural, un-forced relationship from day one.  

    I've asked them if it was weird when they first picked me up from the agency, and they said absolutely not.  The second the social worker placed me in their arms, I was theirs 100% - heart and soul.  

    I never once felt like I was treated like an "adopted" child.  None of my friends growing up were adopted, and my relationship with my parents was no different from the relationship they had with their parents.  Actually, I always kinda felt that me and my parents had a tighter bond!

  6. i would say you would get the same buzz from your natural children to an adopted one but it would and please do not take this the wrong way i mean this in the best way possible i promise i think you would get a better buzz knowing you are geting a really special child that needs help and you are helping that family and making a positive difference in their lifes and your daughter should also get that buzz noing what an amazing person her mum is by adopting a child and helping out a family in need

  7. I certainly would love an adopted child as much as a biological child, but that is not the case for many.  Here's a harsh reality when unconditional love is expected.

    There's been several studies done comparing prisoners adopted as children (under 3) vs. prisoners who were not adopted.  One study compared family visits.  Over a 2 year period, 50% of non-adopted prisoners were visited by family at least once.  During that same period only 4% of adopted prisoners received visits from family.   Didn't seem to matter what they compared: crime, length of imprisonment, locations of family compared to prison location.  Adopted families just seem to wash their hands of the adoptee.

    So, in answer to your question, I think you really need to look at yourself and your husband and come to a decision.  I was rather shocked when I read this information originally and really just don't understand how cold someone could be to not visit their child in prison no matter what their crime.  Even Jeffrey Dahmer's family visited him and his crimes were incredibly heinous.

  8. This is such a valid question, don't let anyone tell you any different. I am a mom of two adopted sons and I wondered the same thing before my oldest was born. I was in the O.R. when his birthmom delivered him, he was placed in my arms first and he has been mine ever since. I immediately felt a bond to him. From that instant it never crossed my mind that I wouldn't love him like a bio. child. He is MY son, God chose him for me, he just came to me in a different vehicle.When we found out about our second son I was concerned that there was no way I could love another child as much as I love my oldest son......HA.....what a joke! The moment I held him I was overcome by emotion and it was like having your first child all over again. I KNOW that it wouldn't be possible for me to love another child MORE than I love these two boys, even if it came from my own womb. In fact, when you bond with an adopted newborn you don't have to worry about the discomfort, pain and healing that you would have if you had delivered the child (this is what I've been told, i have never given birth myself) it's all about this new little life that God has placed in your care.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!!! Adoption is a blessing!!!

  9. well, I can only tell you that I'm adopted and my nephews are adopted.  I was there for the birth of my niece and my sister sat and joked with me that she sure was glad she did it the easy way the first 3 times she had kids!  I don't think it makes a bit of difference.  I love each of my nephews as much as my niece.  My sister doesn't seem to distinguish how the kids got there, just that she is the person who has to break up "Mom, he's touching me!" for the 18th time that day.  Love never divides....just multiplies, a friend told me once.  In a house of adoptees and one that was a total surprise, I've seen that is really true.

  10. When my husband and I were trying to have children, we saw a fertility specialist, who, because of what the problem was, couldn't really offer any medical help for us.  After talking over all the options with her, she seemed to hesitate for a moment and then said, "If you're worried that you will feel differently about an adopted child than a biological one, I can tell you that my husband and I had a daughter and after that, I couldn't have any more biological children so we adopted our son.  They are completely brother and sister and I don't feel any differently about our son from our daughter.  They are both my children and I love them both completely."  I thanked her, because this was information I really wanted to hear.

    We adopted a 14 month old girl early in 2004, and shortly after that I became pregnant.  Nine months to the day from which we signed the adoption paperwork, I gave birth to our second daughter.  Just as the doctor predicted, the two girls are completely sisters to one another and we adore them both equally.  I also have had the experience of loving close friends and the children of my close friends, and this is way bigger than that will ever be.  It truly is as if she were my flesh and blood, and my husband feels the same way.

  11. all i can say for an example is my uncle.  He got with a woman that had a son already.  He adopte that son as his own then they had a daughter together.  He loves his son just as much as his daughter.  It is still his son no matter what.  When you are a mom/dad and raising a child that is what is important the blood isn't.

  12. I didn't have a bio child. I adopted. I truly can't imagine loving anyone anymore or anything more than I love him. I honestly don't think it's possible. I stayed in his room for the first week, not sleeping, but watching and making sure he was there. Watching him sleep. Watching him breathe. Just watching. Checking that he was really in that crib.

    I spent the next two months sleeping in a bed next to his crib. Getting up through the night to make sure he was still breathing, that he was okay, and that I got to him immediately every time he cried.

    I spent every day celebrating each and every moment. I've cried over silly things. Like putting away clothes he's outgrown. Because it meant he was growing up. The same thing goes for every new step in his life. I celebrate the moments, and mourn them as well because he's growing. I have become this new person that can sing silly songs out of thin air, I can dance and make goofy faces and voices anywhere and everywhere without a thought. Even in public. Something I'm sure he'll one day kill me for.

    Nothing is better than a kiss or a hug. I see activities that I can't wait for us to do together, or things I can't wait to show him one day. At the same time, I hope he always looks at me the same way he does today.  I hope he always reaches for my hand. I love the way his little hand feels in mine. Even his temper tantrums are adorable. He has my heart.  I'd do anything for my child. I never knew that I was this person, or a mother, until him. I can't explain what it is to have him in my life, but I am blessed by him 84,000 times over again. I wouldn't be me, or the same person without him in my life. He's the most amazing little person in the world.  I'm so lucky that they chose me!!  

    I just can't begin to tell you how much love I feel for this little guy. So I can't imagine that there is a difference. Our family was made a little different than a bio family, but the love is the same.

    I hope I was able to explain and express it enough to give you a big enough glimpse that we feel it's the same.

  13. both my sister and i were adopted  and my parents treat us no differently than parents with biological kids. also my sister is 6 years younger than me and were from completely different birth families and  we treat each other just like any biological siblings

  14. I do not have bio children but I adopted two children I love them dearley, they are my world.  I am sure would love an adopted child as much as a bio child.  Marie Osmond has 7 children part of them adp. and part bio (Please excuse my abbreviations.) She says she can't remember which ones are adpoted and which were born to her.  A child is a child not matter what.  I do not consider My  children adopted I only consider them mine.  I hope this helps you.

  15. I am a foster mom and adopting the two. 3 and 8 They were 4 months and 5 years when I got them. I trully love and treat them as they were my own bio children. How could one not

  16. It would, if you would take care the child as your own child.

  17. Raven Scout said it PERFECT I feel the same exact way and just to let you know I have an adopted son and a bio daughter and I love them both the SAME.  They are both my life and I could not imagine my life without either one of them.  And I would give my life for both of my children for they are BOTH MY KIDS and that will never change.  Also my kids love each other sooo much and act just the same to each other then bio kids.  My all time favorite thing is when they hug each other and say your are the best sissy in the world.  Mine are 5 and 2-1/2.  Hope this helps


    I too was blessed with my daughter through the wonderful option of adoption.  The answer Raven Scout gave literally made me cry. I have experienced the same things (checking on my little girl throughout the night to see her chest rise and fall), etc., etc.,  

    If that answer doesn't answer your question, then I'm not sure there is one!

  19. yes you can.we had biological children then adopted one.she is ours every bit as much as the others and love is all the one little girl told me once only difference is a biological grows in your belly,an adopted grows in your heart.the love is no just have to allow yourself to do so.

  20. My children are foster kids and i love them as if i gave birth to them.  if i could we would adopt them but their parents are still in their lifes but we have permanent custody of these two precious boys.  it is complicated story so i would say no our feelings to change we love them like they are our own and in gods way they are...

  21. YES, we have a bioligical son and an adopted daughter, in fact my son some times tells me that I favor my daughter over him, (not true).  He is now 34 and she is 16, there is 18 years between them and I feel equally the same, she IS MY DAUGHTER, doesnt matter that I didnt "carry" her for 9 months, I have loved her from first day I laid eyes on her.  Its not whether you carried that child, its the raising of the child.  The relationship you have with the child.  Adoption is a beautiful thing..I say go for it!!

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