
When you answer a question,?

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do you go back to see how others answered? I do because I want to know how others feel about the question and what their answer is. Poppy




  1. Most of the time. I only  answer questions that peek my interests and I too want to know how others feel. I love the difference!!!


    sorry for the capital letters . the button stuck on me . lol .

  3. only sometimes

  4. If I remember after all I'm  old LOL

  5. I sure do, all the time. I have sometimes even go back to the question after it has been solved just to see who got best answer. I have learned a lot by reading what others have wrote.  

  6. Not usually as I do not have the time.

  7. Yes,  I always do because of my curious nature.

  8. Sometimes, but I'm usually more interested in the new questions.

  9. Only if it's a really compelling question, or if it seems like someone is asking the question because they earnestly need help with a serious problem.  I always hope that they get good advice, and sometimes I'll edit one of my answers if I later think of something else that could be helpful.

  10. Yep,  and I want to see how many thumbs up/down I  got.

  11. lots of times I do, especially if I have given a real good answer and it is not chosen as best answer..I want to see what the author of the Best Answer had to say..

  12. Hardly ever.

  13. Yes and no.

    Sometimes I look at the answers before I answer to see what's been covered already.

    Sometimes I look afterwards... but it's not inevitable.

    Have a Senior day.

  14. Sometimes I do but not always

  15. always, that is how i 'get acquainted'  with the other seniors on here.  i myself will be 60 this winter and my mom will be 82 in one month.  i love other's opinions also.  some of the seniors are very gentle and some are not but that is what make our world turn.  i am also not much on the thumbs down unless an answer is rude/crude/filthy, but if there is a lot of thought in an answer i like to give the thumbs up

  16. Sometimes but not

    all the time.

  17. no

    but i am new

  18. sure do,i don't get on here much eny more,and i enjoy seeing what some old friends are saying these days.i sure have missed a few in here.

  19. yeah

  20. If I have time.  Usually i don't.

  21. Yeah.  To read what others say, and to peek and see if I got a lot of thumbs down.

  22. Usually,, the biggest share of the time there's a chuckle to be shared.

  23. Yes, I do always. I enjoy seeing what others here have to say.  

  24. No, I read them after I have answered, because I don't want to be influenced by what I've seen others type.

  25. Sometimes I do.  Not always.  It depends on how interesting or important I think the question is.

  26. Yes, I try to check, and love to read the answers.  Happy Saturday

  27. Yes, I always do and a few times I have deleted my own answer, because I could see that I didn't get the jest of their question.

    There are times when I would rather read questions and answers and not be involved.  I always learn something when I sign in but by reading others answers, I think I learn even more.

    I think I'm too curious so I need to know stuff that to some people would be irrelevant.  Poppy you always give a good thoughtful answer.

    I have began to pay more attention to avatars and like to read their thoughts.  Hope I don't get it for chatting.


  28. Yes almost always.

  29. Most of the time. Especially If The Question Was Important.

    Ashley x3

  30. Yes sometimes, if I have the time.  

  31. I do, for the same reason as yours and the others here.

    Also, sometimes the person who asked the question will add further details and comments in response to the answers.I find that interesting, especially when it's a really good topic.

    Edit to A' glad to see you back!

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