
When you are arrested in Nigeria for a crime, how much Naira do you have to bribe the officials?

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We know the entire country of Nigeria from the Government level on down is run by a series of bribes, extortion, and kickbacks. In Nigeria you run for office to not serve the public, but to loot public funds.




  1. I have a mate who works for BP, his convoy got pulled over for apparently speeding - the nigerian police know to pull over the BP vehicles, they're full of rich westerners. he got "fined" the equivalent of £5 and was allowed to go - no paperwork or anything...

  2. Wow that sounds like where I live the good ole USA!

    I could care less about thumbs down do you mean to say you honestly believe that our governors mayors senators congressmen...whoever that they are all honest and are doing their job for the good of the country??

  3. If you're arrested in Nigeria, they'll let you know how much they want.  And they'll probably want it in USD, too, because Naira are worth c**p...

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