
When you are asked to be in a wedding, are you still expected to buy a gift? Or do the clothes and such count?

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Like if you buy a dress and shoes, and throw a wedding shower. Is that enough?




  1. I am getting married in October.  My shower is in a few weeks and I have begged my bridesmaids not to get me anything.  Now, whether they do or not, is their business.  But I did speak with each of them and asked them not to spend money on me a gift.

  2. no, you still have to buy a gift.  the point being to reimburse the bride for your meal at the reception.  get her a $50 gift card and leave it at that.

  3. Yes, you should still buy a wedding gift.  

  4. No.  But you don't have to spend a lot of money on a gift.  I got married 10 days ago and my favorite gifts are the ones that were thoughtful and many were inexpensive.

  5. Unfortunately, yes you are expected to give the newly married couple a gift in addition to buying your dress, shoes and the throwing of a bridal shower.

  6. Gifts are never required or expected, but sinec you're in the wedding party, you must be close to the bride, so I think you should get the couple a gift, but an inexpensive one.

    Either get her something small off their registry (kitchen gadgets, serving spoons, etc.), or make her a photobook online (available at any drugstore that has photo services) of pictures of you guys throughout your lives. Add cute captions, nice notes, etc. Anything that incorporates memories of the two of you will also be perfect, and they're usually really inexpensive to make.

  7. At least give a card.

  8. I think a card would be adequate if you've already spent so much money.  

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