
When you are at a four way stop, and there are cars, who do you let go first?

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when there are four cars at a four way, who do you let go first, the car on your left, or the car on the right?




  1. Its custom and usually the law to let the car that came to the stop first to go.

  2. LOL, Are they waiting for you to decide?

    whomever stops first, goes first.

  3. You may occasionally arrive at a four-way stop sign at the same time as another driver.

    In such cases the driver to the right has the right of way. However, not all drivers know this.

    If someone to your left decides to go first, let them!

  4. first there is the first to leave.....

  5. The one on your right assuming that they came at the same time.  Otherwise, first come first go.

  6. The car on the right (assuming you got to the stop at the same time).

    Good Luck...

  7. car on the right. if you look at it, you'll see the guy on the right gets out of your way faster than the guy on the left does so the law is usually the guy on the right goes first.

  8. floor it.

  9. First in first out and if they all got there at the same time the car on the right.

  10. You go in the order you got there. If there is any question, the guy to the right goes first. If everyone hesitates too long, you go first.

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