
When you are debating or considering another position?

by  |  earlier

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To you tend to hold to what you previously said and look for ways to support your thinking, usually no matter what? Like if someone has a good point, do you think about it and give it a chance? Or is it that once you make your mind up about something or let people know that you think a certain way, you don't want to admit you could be wrong?




  1. I like your user name. I really am, though I usually do not make an issue of it. I once had several people closely watch me from various angles while I was taking an IQ test. I did not know why until later, and did not know they were pretty much ignoring the other twenty or so people who were taking the test at the same time. They wanted to see if I was somehow cheating. My score on that one was about fifty-five percent above the highest their chart showed. It was/is a fortune fifty company nearly a century old and I was the first one (and still only) that had ever scored off-scale at that company. I did it twice, (different standardized tests) which is why the second time I was scrutinized. I did not know until I had taken the second one I had scored that high even once. I actually felt them watching me and it made me a bit uncomfortable. My ex-wife had not long before that had me arrested on false grounds and I was wondering if they were there to arrest me (they came in and pretty much positioned themselves around me just before the test started). I wonder how well I would have done without that distraction? The first time I took one of the tests no one bothered telling me there was a time limit on it until the time was up. Even at that it was off-scale, though not to the extent the second one was. The first was "only" about twenty percent over the top of the chart.

    But back to your question. What I do is if it is close to something I have previously considered look to see if it is different in some minor way. Then, depending on the results of that step will first look at all the ways I can think of to support that view. Typically I can then do just as good if not better a job arguing for it as the person who offered it to me. Only then do I look to see if it falls short in some way, but generally speaking the process is pretty automatic for me and one follows the other so quickly it may seem to be simultaneous to an onlooker. If I am wrong about something, I will readily admit it. Truth is truth. Not embracing the truth would make me seem a fool. I may have the most open mind of anyone in this forum*, yet I have very strong beliefs at the same time. As support for that contention, please refer to two of my "Best Answers." Links to follow.

    Faith, is it self hypnosis?;...

    Are you certain there is a God?;...

    * There may well be others with minds just as open, but if so I have yet to find one.

  2. It's probably always good to have an open mind. Narrow minded people miss out on a lot in life.  

  3. I always consider the other sides arguments.  It makes it easier to adapt and modify your strategy.  If I can't adapt, then I may have to acknowledge that I may be wrong.

    But if you can keep fighting, then you are still in it

    "That is the beauty of an argument.  If you argue correctly, you are never wrong"

  4. I tend to change my arguments to assume that their point is the correct one. Then I tear it apart.

  5. I go by the Bible

  6. If someone with an opposing view actually has real support for what they say, i will definitely listen.  This does not mean that i listen to anyone just because they have a different view though.  Most of the time, they simply don't know what they're talking about.  

  7. I do my best to consider all possible sides of an issue. I also take into account what other people say and yes, my mind does change based on new information and ideas. However - I do have to admit that facts and evidence go a lot further to changing my perspective than someone else's opinion or personal belief - unless they can back up their position with facts, rational thought, and evidence.

  8. Physical facts are fairly uniform, but truth is a living and flexible factor in the philosophy of the universe. Evolving personalities are only partially wise and relatively true in their communications. They can be certain only as far as their personal experience extends. That which apparently may be wholly true in one place may be only relatively true in another segment of creation.

  9. I always try to keep an open mind and see where the evidence leads. I don't kid myself into thinking I have all the answers or even most of them.

  10. It is a natural human tendency. Defence.  You have to keep yourself flexible but not be "blown about by every wind and doctrine".

  11. Changing your mind and rethinking points shows matureness and intelligence.

    During the Roman period Gallileo discovered that planet earth is round. Everyone else disagree and wanted to prosecute him for his opinion.

    Knowledgeable and experience counts when it comes to opinions but they are not necessarily RIGHT.  

  12. One should keep as open a mind as possible without one's brains falling out.

  13. always consider the other position, if you can shoot it down fine but if its solid it can be worth a look at

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