
When you are eating, does it bother you when someone smokes near you?

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When you are eating, does it bother you when someone smokes near you?




  1. Yes.

    It bothers me every time someone's smoking right near me (if they want to smoke it's up to them, I just shouldn't have to put up with it) but when you're eating it's disgusting and extremely rude.

    How on earth are you meant to be able to taste your food when you've got smoke surrounding you? It also bothers me because I wonder how the smoker can do it; surely you want to taste what you're eating? I think it's a big insult to a restaurant too.

  2. Yes it does, this is very bad etiquette.  I'm a smoker but I would never smoke around the dinner table, not unless everyone has finished eating and if they are also smokers and choose to light up afterwards.  If there is a non-smoker present then the smoker should leave the table and go elsewhere to have their smoke.

  3. Not really.

    I love smokers.

  4. YES!  the smell gives me headaches.

  5. I'm a smoker and I HATE it when someone lights up near me while I'm eating. Most people don't even think twice about lighting up after a meal, but they need to step outside because it does ruin the meal for others.

  6. No, not at all, unless they blow the smoke right into my nose.  

  7. Yes.

    If it's in a restaurant, I can ask to have them removed, because in my state you are not allowed to be smoking in a public building.

    In my apartment, I do not allow smoking anyways.

  8. Yes.  It makes the room smell.  Thank god we have non-smoking laws in my state.  This means that all restaurants and bars are smoke free here.   I am a firm believer that all public areas should be smoke free.

  9. Yes. That makes me a passive smoker -- I get all the bad substances released in smoke from the cigarette, and that is bad for my lungs since I suffer from asthma.

  10. i don't care if i'm eating or not.  i still don't want people smoking near me.  it's gross.

  11. I hate it, especially when I am at a public resturaunt with my children. I don't want them exposed to that. I don't get the whole smoking section, it is like having a peeing section of a swimming pool, it doesn't do any good. Thankfully our ciry has a smoking ban now. I can take my kids out and not have to worry about their health, or mine.  

  12. YES!

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