
When you are having a baby, does the baby come out your v****a or where you pee out of?

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When you are having a baby, does the baby come out your v****a or where you pee out of?




  1. I'm 30 weeks preg with my 4 th child so trust me the baby does not come out where u pee from

  2. Comes out the same hole the guy puts his sperm in. That any help?

  3. Babies come out of a woman's v****a.  You can google for childbirth and find alot of web sites I am sure that explain the process of birth.  

  4. Oh, good lord.

    How on earth could you stick a p***s up a urethra? OUCH.

    A baby comes out the same hole that it went into. The birth canal, the v****a.

  5. how old are you ? are you pregnant?

  6. wow...It comes out of your v****a.  

  7. the v****a

  8. It comes out where it started in the first place... the v****a...

  9. v****a  not urethra

  10. If the baby was born where you pee from, you would never pee the same again. Probably into a bag the rest of your life.

    The baby starts it journey in the WOMB, slowly the CERVIX DILATES & opens up allowing for the passage of unborn child.

    The CERVIX opens to approx 10cm.

    The baby will descend into your BIRTH CANAL as labour progresses, & finally will show it's cute little head to the world around it.

    When the BABY is born, the UMBILICAL CORD gets cut, then you give birth to the PLACENTA.

    I think im pretty much accurate ^_^

  11. babies come out of ur v****a

  12. Two words for you: s*x ED.

  13. are you kidding me? yeah a baby comes out of a hole the size of a pin...come on, go to s*x ed or try google

  14. your v****a.

    you get pregnant through your v****a so it will come out the v****a. Nevermind a baby grows in your uterus, not your bladder.

  15. The baby comes out of your v****a.  Urine comes out through your urethra.

  16. The baby resides in your uterus, goes through your cervix and out of your v****a. It doesn't go through your urethra (where you pee out of).

  17. are you serious?

  18. wth a question like that, you musta came out of the backside.

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