
When you are hungry, even if at midnight, would you drive to the restaurant?

by  |  earlier

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I finished dinner, then ate dessert 1hour ago but I still want to eat something like Mexican food.




  1. yup i do all the time.

  2. not if i was drunk, go to a place like bertuccis or a local bar that has greart food

  3. no way men! go through the fridge,mix and match something it gonna turn out tasty...just drive out to snack something crazy if ur alone unless with someone its okey i guess. @_@

  4. Heck yes. Taco bell is a wonderful thing.  

  5. You know, this is how I figured out I was pregnant...

    If it were me in my current situation, I totally would, but only if I couldn't walk (saving the Earth and all). Any other time, I'd fix a small snack and have done with it.

  6. Seldom... cos not safe to drive alone at midnight in my country.

  7. I usually do. I rather go to a fast food restaurant then.. cooking something and stinking up the house so late at night.

  8. Sometimes I will. Sometimes I will just look in the fridge.

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