
When you are in middle school the first day, is it cool changing classes and opening lockers and stuff???

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i am so nervous about middle school that i want to know all this information!! lol




  1. it's totally awesome. =] for the first month then it becomes routine. high school seems more cool. There are books on transitioning into middle school. check the local bookstore.

  2. I wouldn't exactly say it's cool, but it may be hard at first (or so you may think) but after a day it will seem like you've done it for a long time. Also just incase you forget your comb. for your locker, write it on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket

  3. Is it "cool"? It's...different. Not amazing, or mind blowing. Soon it just becomes so routine.

  4. hah middle school is still so young and new. you may think your all old but your not. and your most defidently not "cool" either. sorry to be a bubble buster, but once you go into high school then you'll see what i was talking about.

  5. its alright when u just start but it gets annoying afterward

  6. the first day of school is reallyyyyyyyyyyy boring cuz all you do is walk and find your class and the teachers talk alot actually the first week is like that not to ruin anything but its the truth lol and i never had lockers in middle school ! haha let me know how that goes

  7. No. It will be cool for the first two weeks then it wont be anything you think about.  

  8. in the beginning it;s kinda exciting when you get your own locker and you can put anything you want in there and no one knows. but you kinda get used to it and then it becomes a burden to keep it clelan and stuff.

  9. It looked cool to me when I watched on movie, because it looked like little social hangout by the locker and you sneack in letter in someone's lock etc..

    but in real life I spent great time on figuring out the lock combination for weeks..

  10. I guess it's cool for the first few times you do it, but after awhile it's annoying when you have to get something out of your locker and there are a million people standing around blocking your way; or someone smells really bad and their locker is right next to yours. Yuck.

  11. Yea it is cool the first couple of days, but after a while, it just becomes a necessity.  But after a while, you wont be thinking about that. You'll be thinking about all the drama, rumors, crushes,  and getting good grades. I just finished the 6th grade

  12. the first day of middle school is really cool. changing classes is just like "wow, this is sick :)" and getting your first locker is just like "yay i want to decorate this!" i guess for some people it's a little nervewracking seeing the older kids and stuff but my sister was an 8th grader when i was a 6th grader so the older kids didn't really scare me. i'm going into high school and i'm soooo excited kind of nervous though but i know that my sister will help me! if you have an older sibling in middle school i bet they'll help you too! good luck!

  13. Its cool.You feel more like an adult.Chill.Middle School Be alright.Any questions ask me.Im in middle school.Be yourself and Make Peace with School Staff and you'll be good.

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