
When you are in the right lane of a highway and there are cars coming onto the road?

by  |  earlier

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from a nearby on-ramp, do you pick the cars that you will let in and the one you will drive behind? It is a game I play and it is all based on my speed and their speed. I know it is easier for me to brake than it is for them to accelerate so I am nice to them.




  1. If they come off the ramp faster than me, I let them go, of course. But if I'm going faster than them, and would have to brake, I just speed up to get past them. Braking only causes problems for the cars behind me. Not good, we don't need brakes on the interstate. Just go. They'll merge in behind you. It's not about being nice, necessarily. Just keep traffic running smoothly. Braking causes accidents because someone back there isn't paying attention and then rear ends you for braking.

  2. im never in the right lane because there to slow over there, i stay in the left lane till i get off but if i get off and the exit is merging me with traffic comin on that can get dangerous

  3. MERGE means blend in......that goes for both the drivers already on the highway and those entering.......both are equally responsible for this..........if there is a YIELD sign when entering a high speed highway onramp, then the driver entering that highway must give way to the traffic already on the highway.......

    So, if possible, move over to the left lane, let the other driver enter the freeway from the on ramp and speed up to pass him and then make a right lane change and exit..............plan ahead!!!...especially at high speeds

  4. You are supposed to get over to the left lane if it is safe to do so.  Once these people merge in, you can re-enter the right lane to make your exit.

    I personally have a problem with people that don't allow others to merge.  I like to salute them in a special way.

  5. the on ramp car is merging with you, not the other way around, there is no law that says you must move over for them.

  6. You don't have to let anyone onto the highway if you don't want to as the law states the cars already on the highway have the right of way. But I'm sure the merging cars appreciate you letting them in.

  7. I will let the other cars in and put myself behind the rest of the cars.

  8. I try my best to get over into the left lane so I don't have to slow down. lol  xD

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