
When you are married/if you are married...?

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Do you aim to share the housework, have the wife do the housework, or have the husband do the housework? (place yourself wherever you fit in this!)




  1. I'll have to wait till I get married again and wait to ask her what my opinion is on this.

  2. Hey There--Um, so, just because YOU aren't going to marry an independent woman, you think that most independent women are going to be single and lonely?

    Just how many women were you planning on marrying?  

  3. i'd have a maid to do it. hahaha. idk probably share. i'd be reluctant and try avoid doing it though

  4. I'm a homemaker so I do pretty much all the housework. I'm fine with that!

  5. If my husband is employed at a full-time job and I am a SAHM, then I will do the housework.  This is the ideal situation for me and I hope that any man I marry will share the same belief.

  6. Share housework.

  7. He works 40 hours a week and I do almost all the housework.  He does offer to pitch in, but I usually tell him it's not necessary because I don't work a job-job.

  8. Share the housework if we're both working. If one partner is at home and not working, then he or she gets to keep the house picked up. :)

  9. I take care of the house; working out side the home or not.

  10. I do the housework, unless I am too busy then I ask my husband for help!

  11. Since I'm a lazy *** American I will probably hire some underpaid worker to come clean my casa for me.

  12. When I marry, I plan on doing much of the housework but he has to be willing to help me when I ask him to do things around the house.  

  13. If my wife doesn't do most of the housework, why would I get married?

    s*x and female company is not hard to acquire these days, there has to be an incentive. She must do the dishes, laundry, housecleaning, and all the changing of the diapers should we get married and have kids. She would of been doing those things anyway had she met me or not.

    I'll do the yard work, fixing, car repairs, etc...

    Don't like it? Too bad.

    Enjoy being 50 and single, independent women!

  14. I'm not sure if I'd like to get married, but, if I do, we'll share the housework equally since we'll both be working.

  15. When I'm married, if I get married, I plan on being the only one working and my wife will cook/clean/take care of kids.  Obviously if that's not what she wants, she wont be my wife.

  16. I plan to share the housework. Housework is no fun so why make someone do it all by them self? The more you work at it as a team the faster it will get done.

  17. Well sometimes my wife doesn't want my help and sometimes she does. So when she does want me to help all she has to do is ask me to do which ever task she wants me to do.

    I think with many women they feel they shouldn't have to do something as simple as asking. Instead they would rather nag when he doesn't help or if he does help she nags that he didn't do it her way.


  18. We share household chores.  He hates doing the dishes and the laundry, so I usually do that, and I can't stand vacuuming and washing the floors, or cleaning the bathroom, so he usually does that.  Among other things of course.  It works for us.

  19. I aim to do the housework...and hoping the hubby will help out. After living on my own and with sloppy roommates, i'm used to doing it all anyway!  better to do it for some i love. My future hubby says no way! he doesnt want a housekeeper, but a best friend. he feels uncomfortable with the idea of me doing it. i will still work full time. we'll see...

  20. We'll share it equally until I make up my mind as to if I'll stay home or continue working.

    I'm not fond of my job and plan to try to find one more in my field of study, if I don't find one before we start trying to get pregnant. I'll stay home and take care of it.

    I like the way I do it better, anyhow.  

  21. I do most of the housework, since my husband has a full-time job and I don't work.  However, he does most of his work at home, and he is naturally domesticated anyway, so he does clean up quite a bit himself, and he cooks the dinner twice or sometimes three times a week if he isn't out somewhere.

  22. If I'm working and she isn't, she does it all, if there is a kid, I'll look after the kid from when I get home till I leave in the morning. Weekends, getting everything done together, I  have manly things that need to be done, I go out and get ripped on the fri, she goes out on the sat.


  23. When we work equal hours we do equal housework. When I took time of work to care for the kids I did the brunt of the housework. I don't think its something we have ever argued over or even sat down and discussed. We just do what we can when we can.

  24. When my husband and I both worked (basically equal hours) he cooked and I cleaned. Now that I'm home with our baby, I do the cooking and cleaning, which is perfectly fair.

    When I go back to work, it will go back to him doing most of the cooking, and me doing the cleaning, and both of us sharing the child care.

    We also do all of the outdoor work together on the weekends.

  25. I would share it. Now that my dad is home more during the week, he ends up doing the bulk of the housework, and he hates it. When both he and my mom were working full-time, the arrangement was considerably more even.

  26. My goal was to do as little house work as possible-regardless of gender. I worked out a deal with my husband that we'd clean every two weeks since he had allergies. He cooked since he hated my cooking and I didn't care who cooked. I had the same deal with my next partner as well. My present partner is doing most of the housework since his employment has been up and down so he feels he has to do it to "earn" his keep. But all I care is if I remember to do the laundry once in a while..I'm not into what the wife or husband "should" do-how boring. btw: I have a townhouse so there isn't any lawn or garden to take care of.

  27. Share the housework. In fact there are studies that suggest that men who take responsibility in the household report greater relationship satisfaction as well as health benefits i.e. they are doing something. To let any one person do all the work is inane and puts alot of stress on that one person. If you are a stay home parent, then I can see a increase in expectations, if one comes home from work while the other is home all day, it should be like a 25-75 split and even less. This is especially important for whomever stays home, as laziness sets in with lack of responsibilities, an active lifestyle will help transitions to the job market. As for gender based chores, sure, I will never iron my shirt quite like a lady. And I am better equiped to lift heavy things.

  28. We both have to work to keep up the house payments, and so would be too exhausted to do much for each other if we did not share household chores. A gardening service takes care of the yard work more quickly and efficiently than we ever could, and that gets rid of one headache right there.

    As soon as I can earn enough to support us both, she plans to give up her job and take over most of the housework. She prefers it when I'm in control, and is looking forward to a time when I am the sole breadwinner.

    This may come fairly soon. My boss ****ed up and her superiors are grooming me for her job.  ^_^

  29. Well, I don't plan on ever getting married. I don't see the point. But, I'll likely live with someone else one day, and I certainly don't plan on doing all of the housework. It should at least be split 50/50, but I can't say I wouldn't be happy if my guy did all of the housework. But, 50/50 is fair.

    However, I'd probably hire someone to do it.

  30. Neither. I pay a cleaning lady to come do it, because neither of us has time for cleaning.

    For two working people, it's a great compromise. You get a clean house and eliminate one of the major sources of arguments among married/cohabitating couples.

  31. I am in a committed relationship (both of us were married previously) and we live together.  We share household and outside duties and we do many of them together.

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