
When you are on an airplane are you allowed to use your laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering this because I'm getting a laptop soon, and want to carry it on the plane in my laptop bag so during the flight i can play Sims 2 or something. I don't want to bring it on a plane and learn that it was all for nothing. Also is there any way i can get internet in a plane?




  1. u cant get internet on a plane :(  but u can bring it on the plane  for like 20 min. u cant use electronic devices but then ur aloud too

    have fun on ur flight!!

  2. When you go through security at the airport, you will have to remove your laptop from its case.  Once on the plane you will be told not to use any electronic devices during take off or landing.  The pilot will tell you when it is safe to use.  I didn't think you could get internet on the plane.  I mean where's the WiFi?

  3. yes you can use your laptop on the plane.  The crew will tell you when you can use it, and when you have to put it away for landing.

    All wireless functions MUST be turned off or disabled.

    For the few airlines that provide internet access, it's via an ethernet cable that you must provide, and it plugs into an ethernet port on the seat armrest.  The signal is routed through an external antenna on the aircraft.  You'll only find this in 1st class or business class on a few airlines.

  4. Yes,  you can use it on a plane.  No, no internet (except on a *very* few experimental planes).

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