
When you are ovulating how do you know wen a egg is being release?

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When you are ovulating how do you know wen a egg is being release?




  1. when your ovulating i think the egg is already released. maybe im wrong though. look it up on the internet or go to the library.

  2. You dream of salmon.

  3. Your cervical mucus will be egg white and slimy.  That is pretty much the sure fire way to know you are ovulating.  Good luck.

  4. its not like you can feel the egg being released [in most cases] however, you can time your periods so that you can guess when you ovulate. there is also a test that you can take so that you can see when you are ovulating. you can pick it up at Walgreen's or walmart.

    good luck to you =D

  5. its a feeling like you're cramping or if you feel a sensation

  6. I think you feel mild cramping.

  7. Some women have mild cramping, but most women have no idea at all.

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