
When you are rolling one die, how many times can you expect to roll a 5 if you roll 42 times?

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When you are rolling one die, how many times can you expect to roll a 5 if you roll 42 times?




  1. well, there are 6 faces on a die, which means you will roll a 5 on average 1/6 of the time.  1/6 of 42 is 7, so 7 times.

  2. 100 / 6 = 16.666666>

    16.666666>% chance to hit 5 every time

    42 * 16.666666% = 6.999999>

  3. 42.  Of course I am assuming every side of the die has a 5 on it.  Since you didn't tell us how many sides of the die there are and the distribution of possible outcomes I get to make my own assumptions. :)

  4. 42 divided by 6 equals 7!

  5. 6 goes into 42, 7 times

    so the answer should be 7

  6. 7 times would be my guess

  7. assuming that there are no variations in weight and shape of the die, seven times...(the odds of each number would be equal when dealing with a perfect cube)

  8. SEVEN

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