
When you are sky diving, what is the point of wearing a helmet?

by Guest32309  |  earlier

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i mean if your diving from 20,000 feet and you shoot doesn't open, your pretty much screwed and a helmet isn't gonna help you one bit so why wear it? or do they only wear it because of the camera they put on it?




  1. its for if you land in case you trip you don't hurt your head hope that helps

  2. incase your parachute rips 20 feet above the grong, incase it gets tangled and you fly trough a window.;...

  3. Even if your chute works perfectly, you might still have a bad landing and hit your head on the ground, a tree branch or whatever.

  4. to protect your brain to donate it

  5. Speaking from experience. I've exited a plane and smacked my head pretty hard on the aircraft this is the reason we wear a helmet. Also when your jumping with other skydivers it is very likely to be kicked in the face or the head... also another reason. The helmets we wear will not protect you from the type of impact you would receive hitting the ground it is more to ensure that you remain aware of your surroundings in the event you hit the plane or get kicked.

  6. you may land pretty hard (yes even with ur chute opening), you just want to be extra safe.

  7. To protect your head. things in the air and when you land.

  8. camera and well if ur parachute does open you can still hit stuff when you land so it protects your head

  9. So ya can leave a better lookin' corpse. Open coffin funerals are all the rage!

  10. Maybe in case the wind forces you into the plane when you jump or in case you bonk heads with the other person when jumping tandem.

  11. this is simple its for the aerodynamics so you can have better control of your body.

  12. to protect your head

  13. In case your not paralyzed after a fall gone bad?- you'll still be able to remember & regret it!

  14. When you are skydiving, you wear a helmet just incase there is some stuff that falls from the sky, sutch as bird c**p, stuff that accidentally fell out of the pain, ect... it is also used for landing, incase you open your shute and when you land, you might land on your head or you might land and fall on the ground and hit your head.

  15. So you don't hurt your head if you hit a cloud... :D  

  16. did you just see that on Seinfeld?? cuz i just did

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