
When you are standing before the Lord ,and ask for an accounting for your life what will you say?

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  1. I will say I failed miserably and beg for Gods grace!

  2. I will apologize and seek forgiveness for my many, MANY mistakes, but I will also explain that my bookkeeping system has a virus, and so my accounting is not accurate, I'm sure Jesus will understand, as I understand that he still loves me, despite my past....

  3. I would say, " I wish I would have done more for you my God " !

  4. you are assuming that there is a Lord... isn't that presumptuous considering there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Every religion beleives that theirs is the chosen one and that the rest shall perish, of course this is a strong indicator that organized religion is man made nonsense.

    I will not be standing before any Lord asking for any accounting, I will be dead... and when your dead your dead, that is all...

  5. He already knows everything about me....He will be the one asking ques!

  6. "Who the h**l are you"

  7. If God know everything he shouldn't ask question which he already knows the answer too

  8. I did the best that I could with what I was given to work with.

  9. I would have taken his head off with my samurai sword before he has a chance to speak.

  10. "Lord, as you know, unlike the Christians, I didn't spend my life lying about you, and claiming that you endorse my lazy and vicious whims"

    I'd hate to be in the believers' shoes if it turns out that there really IS a god. They're going to be in deep ****.

  11. Won't know until I get there whever "there" is.

    "Judge Sludge" - overwhelming evidence to the contrary? Please do amuse me with your overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I need a really good laugh today, and you're the designated joker of the day. Thrill me with this "overwhelming evidence".

  12. I probably won't say a word.  I would be in such ahhh, that I would either just stutter or I couldn't say a word.  But that's OK, cause I don't need to say a word as he can read my heart and mind and know that I love him.  

  13. If that were to occur (which I don't believe it will) I would tell him that I did the best I could with what he left me.

  14. I will thank him for teaching me lessons in my life.... I will ask for forgiveness for the lessons I missed!

  15. I don't think I will be able to speak.I certainly won't give excuses if anything comes out it will be "Guilty as charged ,Have mercy on me oh Lord."Your sacrifice is my defence ."

  16. We can do that now. What do I need to change to be your true son in action and thought?  

  17. I would say what Worker 4 said and I would add some.  I would add "Through my trials and tribulations I learned the hard way and it made me a better person.  But as you know human life is so very short just a mist and poof gone.  Your will is my will and let me do more.  If you want to send me back to earth to do more for you, then I am willing to go."

  18. I'll smack my head, rub my eyes and announce 'p**p me like a poopster I was wrong', then tug his beard to make sure it wasn't a falsie like that santa in the toy store when I was five.

    Then I say - 'So what I didn't believe in you. I lived a good life, never killed, never coveted my neighbours *** or make a brazen idol.'

    Then I'd slip him a tenner and he'd let me in.

  19. I'm sure I will humbly and shamefully list all the sins I've ever committed, yet with full assurance that Jesus has already paid the price for my embarrasing past.

  20. If that happened... I'd say, I did my best to live up to my full potential as a human being.

  21. "I didnt have a choice to be born, nor did I have a choice to die, but I am to make the ultimate choice in my short lifespan"?

  22. I think it is the supposed omnipotent deity that has some explaining to do.

  23. I might just be speechless. *gapes at God*

  24. Thank you Jesus for your love!

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