
When you are stopped in traffic or driving by someone that waves, smiles, or winks at you.....?

by  |  earlier

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do you ignore that person or do you return the flirt? And how often does it happen to you? Or are you the one who does the flirting? ha ha ha .....just curious as usual :)




  1. I acknowledge the gesture and return one of my own....flirtatiously....and it happens a lot.

  2. Heck I blow the horn and wave like he!! LOL you don't get that many people walking around any more,

  3. well...if hes me...take ur shirt off at them and let the good times roll...if hes ugly...ignore him....if u wanna flirt with guyz...make sure there not creepy

  4. Being a cowboy currently living and working in Los Angeles, I get plenty of looks and honks and waves.  Lots of comments too (from "hey!  I like your hat", to the eye-roll-causing "Yeee-HAAAWW!", to the once shouted "Hey, Cowboy, Can I ride you?" - to which I of course replied (thinking on my feet for once) "yep, but only bareback!" *snicker*).

    Usually I am friendly and answer back, or at least smile and tip the hat.  If it's a carload of high-school boys that think they are being funny and original with the "yeee-HAW" yell, then I just ignore them and silently grin at how stupid many of the young are. *LOL*

    I like that stuff someone else said above, it lightens up an otherwise boring and idiot-induced-stressful commute.

  5. tap tha horn give a head nod!!

  6. i don't ignore them... unless they are young, or old, or ugly, or driving a pos, or fat, or a dude... if its any of those i just drive faster and dont look back.

    example: car full of highschool girls... seems like a good one, but just keep driving.

  7. I tend to ignore people who are trying to flirt with me. I have a convertible, so people automatically assume I want to converse just b/c my top's down. But if someone's waving, just try and see what they're waving about. Your gas cap could be off, you could have something dragging from your car, etc

  8. yell **** you

  9. most of  the time i  ignore the flirt unless she is a knock out. this happens to me maybe 2 x a month.

  10. I get out the loaded .45 from under the seat. This usually conveys the message.

  11. I do it back, and ive been known to flirt a little when im bored. livens up an otherwise boring drive.

  12. I return the acknowledgment. Sometimes I'm the initiator.

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