
When you are window shopping , do you buy what you like immediately or postpone this to a later time ?

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are you an impulsive buyer ?

do you regret buying things you dont need ?




  1. If I like the thing and am convinced it is nice I get it right away, no regrets. If I need something but see stuff I don't really like I look around a bit more till I find what I like.

  2. I usually postpone buying to some other time. But I did bought things immediately and then regretted it.

  3. postpone ? why should i do ?

    But, I really care about the 10 points. That's why i do answer ...

    what the heck !

  4. Yes i buy immdediately with no regrets.

  5. 7'ayrul berr 3ageloh

    Fel engaz

  6. I buy immediately, khaleene akhlas. I hate shopping and very rarely window shop.

    Besides i only buy something when i really like it and need it so No regrets.

    @ Iman mooney.... you are soooooo cute xoxo and that was one funny answer.

  7. I'm not an impulsive buyer, but as soon as I find what I need, I get it.  I don't like shopping, nor do I have the time for it. So I don't search for the best bargains. I can buy things for double their price just to save time and effort in the streets.

    And there is also another aspect in my character: worry.  

    I worry that by the time I search in another shop, the thing I already found would be sold and I won't find it.

  8. no i don't buy it.

    i work on budget. for needs and wants. daily, weekly, and long term.

    so if i m going to buy it, the i know i m doing this as it fits in my "wants" i assigned for my self this month (for example)

    and then if i found something else fits in the same agenda i will postpone it to the next month

    in all cases i have to check for most available options (specially for electronics) . this makes me buy what i want with no guilt or worry feelings. because this was the best option and fits into my budget..

    sometimes it is important to educate myself about this item technological features in order to know what criteria i should set for my self as a check list to compare diferent products.

    This doesn't apply for clothes


    it is considered paying respect to your efforts and time you exereted to earn this money -not money it self-

  9. i postpone it to a later time, because i could find the same thing with the same quality but a cheaper price.. and it depends how much money i have thats why when i don't have a lot of money i just window shop

  10. Window Shopping means you are only "looking through the windows" and not buying anything.

    But in general, I wait to buy something and assure I need it or want it.

  11. by and large i buy what i need immediately

    but some times i buy things i don't need

  12. wow great question..since coming to Egypt I have learned to shop around a bit. otherwise I see something better everytime I buy something quickly. I have regretted buying stuff before. I hated that I had 4 dvd's delivered to me and paid more than 70 le in customs for them and then discovered that the dvd rom wasn't formatted for regret that one! whats worse is that it was suposed to be a birthday present.

  13. i look,i see,and i dream,

    no i don't get it,i have nothin in my pockets every time i go "window shopping" to me window shop means,walk around look and just leave.

    not postpone or immediately buy loool.

    you can call me cheap eh?

    although i have no money to be stingy with. hehe

  14. i don't like to shop a lot. it bores me. before i used to immediately buy the thing that i would like, because going around window shopping made me nervous. but it often happened to me that i later found much better and nicer things.

    now i do a little window shopping to see what there is that i like, and then return later for the thing(s) i like best. it saves money, although not time.

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