
When you ask a question,do you always make sure you follow the community guidelines?

by  |  earlier

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I do.I hate to inadvertently break the community guidelines.




  1. for sure bob.too many people post c**p so wrong and irrelevant it is shocking.must say that we are two of the most intelligent people on here when it comes to both asking and answering.

  2. oh please yahoo don't even know what the community guidelines are so how the h**l are we supposed to follow them!!!!

  3. sod them i will say what i like

  4. Awa 'n shite you're havin a Lafferty. I don't, I don't know what the guidelines are.

  5. Why, of course.

    Bob your sense of humour just whooshes over some peoples heads.

  6. i am the best

  7. whether ya do or ya dont certain idiots on here get them deleted anyway...

  8. bollocks to the community guidelines

  9. yahoo makes up the guidelines as they go, half the questions and answers get deleted that are fine and the ones that are offensive always stay.

    my account got deleted for absolutly nothing, mental  

  10. Stank Monster is right.  Gimp.  (no offence)

  11. Guidelines are there to be broken are they not ?

  12. never

  13. your a fcuking gimp!

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