
When you ask a question here, are you trying to understand something, or making a point?

by  |  earlier

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Captain kid, that doesn't mean anything.

Please say something, rather than nothing.




  1. Both usually.

    My questions are most often more informational than a question, but, sometimes I get answers that disagree, are educated, well researched and well worth reading.

    The < 5% of answers and questions that are educated, well researched and worth reading make it worth my time.

    It is only through free speech, open discussion and debate that we can develop and improve ourselves.

    People like those chanting "f*ck fox news" make me ashamed to live in the United States.  Deliberately suppressing or attempting to suppress the opinions of others is censorship and fascism.

    These same things happen here on Yahoo Answers, fascists attempt to suppress those ideologies they disagree with.

    That which is suppressed tells you a lot about the fascism of the people using and moderating yahoo.

  2. Sometimes I'm making a point and trying to understand the premises and logical patterns behind those who disagree with me.  Sometimes I'm just making a point.  And sometimes I leave all trace of my own opinions out of my question because I truly want to understand something.  My biggest question is usually WHY do you believe what you believe?  What premises do you consider true, which do you consider false, and how does the relationship between the premises lead to your conclusion?  How and why do you ignore factor X in your analysis?

    I don't think I'm going to change anybody's opinions with the points I bring up.  That's not why I do it.  I happen to believe that if you don't understand both sides of an issue well enough to argue either one then you don't really understand the issue.  And sometimes I simply can't understand one side.  Which is when I ask questions on here, to try and find out how to wrap my head around a conclusion.  I'm making my point to catalyze those who disagree with me.  It's really one of the best ways to learn.

  3. i think there doing exactly what your doing

    EDIT= your answer is in your question think my friend i will say no more you need only journey inside to find your answer

  4. Nobody who asks a question here doesn't think they already know the answer.

    This shouldn't be called Yahoo Answers.  It should be called Yahoo Opinions.

  5. I never ask a question.  I can make my  point by answering them.

    If I needed advice, this is not where I would go for the answer.  I would consult a professional.

    Asking who you would vote for is pointless, since obviously there are people on both sides of the McCain/Obama comedy.

  6. I think most people are making a point in the guise of asking a question. Then they're looking for confirmation of their opinion, or to argue with people that answer them with opposite opinions.  

  7. Yes, Peace Ok, a little of both. I read most of the answers after I answer and do find some good commits but there is way to much hatred going around to get any good understanding of how people really feel. Hate make intercourse impossible. Peace

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