
When you audition for american idol do you have to pay for everything to get to hollywood week?

by  |  earlier

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or does the producers pay for it? any extra info is fine




  1. they pay for everything

  2. Once you are invited to Hollywood, they pay for everything.  This includes your airfare/bus fare, hotel, food and entertainment (sightseeing) on your off days.  They also provide vocal coaches.  If you are under the age of 18 and still in high school, they also provide tutors.

    I believe after you make it to the top there is also a stipend for wardrobe so that everyone has an equal shot at looking their best.  And of course then they give you stylists and make up artists.

    I don't think that there is an actual salary involved, but there might be a nominal amount for being on the show, but probably more along the lines of an allowance for their basic sundries.

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