
When you became vegetarian, what did you do with the meat in the refrigerator/freezer?

by  |  earlier

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I've thought about it, but I have a package of ham in the fridge, a few chicken/beef patties in the freezer, and four hot dogs.




  1. Throw it out. Or give it to PADS or a food bank and let them throw it our.

  2. I cried as I buried them in my back yard and said a prayer for them...  go give it to a bum or throw it away.  wtf.

  3. I lived with my family at the time, so they just ate the meat.

    You could:

    -Finish eating the meat, and then go vegetarian

    -Give it to non-vegetarian friends / neighbors

    -Donate it to a soup kitchen (if unopened)

    -Throw it out, if the other options don't work for you

    Also, awhile ago I saw an ad on Craigslist. It said something like, "Are you a new vegetarian? Meat is too expensive, so can I have your leftover meat?"

    So... you could try posting in the "free" section of Craigslist!

  4. Give away to those non-vegetarian, so that they don't need to buy.

  5. I gave it to my neighbor

  6. My parents ate it. Yuck!

    You could give it to a local church (churches where I live help people who are in need, if someone needs food they will give them some but, I don't know if they take meat, I only know that they take canned foods) Personally, I would try and take it back to the store if it is unopened. I bet they will take it back.

  7. Give it to others you know. Have a barbeque and use it all. Throw it out. There's tons of options.

  8. Clever guy that craigslist dude lol.

  9. Thats what neighbors are for=]

  10. bring it to a shelter they always need food i wouldnt trow it away dont waste it do a good deed and help someone who wants it...

  11. My boyfriend ate it up. Call and see if a family member wants it, or maybe someone at work? I hate to see food wasted, and I'm sure someone will eat it. Maybe call up a relative and invite them over for dinner....? You eat the good veggie healthy stuff, and when theyre done eating, maybe you can talk to them about it...

  12. give it to someone who will eat it!

    my husband ate the meat that was in our freezer when i went veg.  

    you could give it to an omni neighbor, family member, or friend.

    better yet, donate it to a soup kitchen.....then you can help feed the poor and homeless =)

  13. Well it had been in there for a couple of years, so I just threw it out. Otherwise I'd  have just given it to someone who eats meat.

  14. Do you have any friends who are not vegetarian.  Have a BBQ.  This way you can use up the meat and won't have to stink up your house with it

  15. I was 16 and I'd actually be pretty surprised if there was much meat in the house for my mom to worry about.  We were pretty, erm, budgetarily constrained and ate a lot of meatless meals to stretch the grocery dollar a little farther.  My sister went veg the day I did, so I guess my mom ate whatever was left.

    When I decided to go vegan, I phased out dairy, eggs and honey over a few weeks so I just ate most of what was in the kitchen.  My boyfriend, an omni, ate the rest.  Though I still have half a jar of honey in the cupboard somewhere...

    Do you have a friend or neighbor you could give it to?  Wasting food sucks, but I can see how you wouldn't want to eat it.  Once you've made your decision, it can be easier to just do it.

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