
When you become a vegan, what don't you eat?

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Im starting a diet and i think i really just need to eat fruits and vegetables! so i wanna be a vegan for a month or so

dont explain why i shouldnt or its not healthy cuz i need meat

just please tell me what to not eat if ur a vegan





  1. Animal by-products: honey, dairy, meat and eggs

  2. When you are vegan, you eat nothing with a face. There are vegan foods at most organic markets and variations of cheese, milk and meat. Vegetarian may work better for you, as some will still eat fish. There are some very good meat substitutes that taste reeally good, just look in the organic frozen foods to find them. Make sure you are replacing the protein your losing eating vegan with something else like peanit butter or tofu. Good luck

  3. We don't just eat fruit and veggies. A lot of meat eaters think that but we eat a more varied diet than most meat eaters do!

    The only things I don't eat are foods from any animal. Compared to how many different types of food there are, animal products only make up a small percentage. A lot of non-vegans just eat so many animal products that they think we don't eat anything and a vegan diet is a sure fire way of losing weight which it's not. A balanced vegan diet will just make you healthy. Some vegans are overweight so just focus on eating healthily, not just to lose weight.

  4. ok to start with vegieterians and vegans do not eat fish or anything with a face no matter what anyone tells you being a vegieterian or vegan means no fish no meat and if your vegan to no dairy such as cheese milk egg and so i have been vegan for 3 years now and the best things to eat lots of diffrent vegs fruit and soya products such as soya meat(compleatly animal free most of the time)go into a health store and say u need vegan soya foodsthey can help there is a very big amount of foods u can have :).just a good idea buy some iron and vitimin tablets from a health sotre(make sure vegan safe)because you will quickly get a low iron count if you do not and trust me its not fun haveing it lol good luck :)

  5. You have to eat more than fruit and vegetables.  It would be extremely unhealthy to try.

    I am vegan.  I eat fortified breakfast cereal, soy yogurt, and soy milk for breakfast.  Then for lunch I eat salad, pb & j, or leftovers.  For dinner I eat vegetarian chili, smart dogs, soy cheese pizza, macaroni and soy cheese, spaghetti with marinara sauce, and a lot of other stuff.  For snacks I eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, and stuff like that.

    There are a lot of meat alternatives out there.  I use ground vegetable protein that is good for replacing hamburger in any recipe.  That's how I make chili, sloppy joes, and tacos.

    You can't eat honey, meat, fish, dairy, or any other animal product.  A strict vegan will not eat refined sugar because it is filtered through coals that are sometimes made from animal ashes.

  6. Vegans don't eat any animal products including honey. That leaves you with lots of eating options. Rice, beans, potatoes, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. I tend to eat lots of vegan mexican food like chips with homemade bean dip or hummus and homemade salsa. I drink almond and hazelnut milk. I love to make baked potatoes with non-dairy butter spread. Yummy! I eat lots of fruits and veggies. Pb and J sandwiches. You can really eat a lot of different foods and be satisfied as a vegan. Good luck. I bet you'll feel healthier than you have ever felt!

  7. Vegans don't just eat fruits and veggies.  Can I urge you to speak with a doctor who works with vegans before you start on this diet?  

    Vegans also eat a lot of rice and beans, lentils, dried peas, other legumes, grains, nuts, seeds ...

    What you want to avoid is animals and animal products.  

    Read "World Peace Diet" for more on why to become vegan and how to do it.  

    If you're looking for a cookbook, try "Highway to Health" by Lindsay Wagner.  Yummy stuff!

  8. Vegans eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains. They don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy products. For example, you wouldn't eat cookies that contain eggs.

    Here are some easy vegan recipes:

    Vegans do eat at restaurants. Check out this link for info about veg options at restaurants:

    Vegan food pyramid:

  9. Anything that has to do with animals you can not eat.  Vegans don't eat eggs, cheese, fish, any meat, they don't wear any animal products like leather and such.  They will not eat anything that is made from animals like Gelatin and thats in starburst and other candies.

    All you can eat are organic veggies, grains, fruits and tofu.  You have to stick to plants only.  If you are really going to go Vegan don't eat out because you never know what is really in your food.  You must take vitamins too.

  10. I'll give to ya short, simple, and sweet:

    !Ya don't eat anything with a face!

  11. This site might be very helpful to you

  12. you don't eat any meat but you can eat everything else.I hope this helps!

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