
When you book the Euro Tunnel, how many passengers can travel in one car?

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We are 4 adults travelling. When I make the reservation I am not asked how many people, just how many cars.




  1. you only pay for the vehicles travelling thats why they ask you twhat type of vehicle it is and if you're towing anthing

  2. The important info is the size of the vehicle. It will take the same space on the train for your car regardless of how many people travel in it. So the cost is the same 1 person or 4 people.

    You will understand better once you board the train.

    You drive your car onto the train from the platform, and remain in or close to your car for the whole journey - about 20mins. So the number of people in the car really only effects your own comfort levels.

    It is a great way to cross the channel and you have the luxury of having your own vehicle.

  3. depends on the size of your car and the passengers.

    they go buy the car not how many people are in it

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