
When you bought a horse, did you go ebay happy?

by  |  earlier

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i'm eating those nasty hot candies called hot tamales. <3

but i love ebay <3 and i concur- it's extremely addicting.




  1. I go Ebay happy every now and again. I have Paypal so it&#039;s not Real money I&#039;m spending !


  2. Nope. I bought everything from a local tack store, and some stuff from my friends at the barn. I didn&#039;t really think of looking on ebay, and I was 9 when I got my pony.

  3. no i didnt use ebay i used many other sites like;

    and yeah but therre all Australian

  4. I&#039;ve had horses for so long that most of the tack I have now I&#039;ve had for decades, BUT my best friend got back into horses about 5 years ago thanks to me...HeHeHe  She finally got another horse (She hadn&#039;t had one in over 30 years.) and she went ebay happy!  She&#039;s still paying off her credit cards for all the saddles she bought then resold because they either didn&#039;t fit her horse or they didn&#039;t fit her.  I tried VERY hard to get her to buy &quot;Quality&quot; tack but for the first year or so, she kept looking at the &quot;BLING&quot;!  LOL

    She is learning still, but it is kinda cute to watch her get all excited over a new piece of tack she&#039;s bought for her horse.

  5. i&#039;ve only ever bought one thing off ebay...some relic chop sticks,,,,still don&#039;t know why i did that...i prefer to buy horse gear from the saddlery as i don&#039;t like buying anything above 100 bucks sight unseen

  6. I haven&#039;t bought a horse, and I&#039;m ebay happy!  My saddles, breastplate, and boots are from there.  Plus, I bought halters for all of the horses at my barn from there.  Ugh...I try not to go an alcoholic in a liquor store... : )

  7. I couldn&#039;t help but to laugh, because i totally go eBay happy. That&#039;s where i purchase all of my pink tack. I am obsessed with light pink, and it is so hard to find. But eBay has everything! You cant help but to go crazy.

  8. Of course. But of course Ginger was always a sweet little pony.

    On an unrelated note, I&#039;m quite hungry. So hungry I can eat a horse.

  9. I have no idea what eBay happy is but...Every time i get a new one ima happy camper.

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