
When you buy LCD or Plasma TV these days, does it pay to buy extended warranty?

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I used to buy extended warranties but TVs usually break down after my 4 year warranty is expired




  1. yes it does

  2. always buy the extended warranty. my lcd broke after three weeks. and i know pleny of other people whose new tvs also broke. once its repaired and sent back, youll feel much better about having it. especially if its gonna break again.

  3. NEW TECHNOLOGY--scary stuff.

    It takes years for manufacturers to DE-BUG new technology.

    But they eventually do de-bug the point that you no longer need to get an extended warranty.

    We haven't reached that point yet.....

    So my suggestion is to look at it this way.....

    Can you afford to put $400 out or up to $600 out for a repair?

    Or do you want to buy the contract that protects you from that cost.....

    And how much is that contract?

    $200 for 5 years?  d**n good deal !

    $400 for 5 years? Pretty good deal !

    $800 for 5 years? NO ! No no no no no!

    Remember....$400 to $600 per it to the cost of the contract, and the way you pay for the contract too...

  4. I guess any financial adviser would probably tell you to never buy an extended warranty. If a person bought an extended warranty on everything purchased in a 10 year span, they would almost never come out ahead. However, it can be easier risking to lose a couple hundred now than have the risk of replacing a $1500 tv later. I guess it would come down to how much the tv replacement value is vs. the price of the warranty. It really is just a gamble. It would be the same as if going to Vegas and sitting down at the table with $400 trying to win $1500 on about a 10% chance that the TV will break. The house is betting the tv doesn't break, you are betting it does.

    What I would say, if I'm going to bet $400 on a 10% chance, I sure better be getting better than 4:1 odds.

  5. When you spend so much money on a purchase it is smart to extend the warranty for as long as possible.

    These TVs cost a bit to get repaired so it is a smart thing to cover your but for as long as you can.

    No matter which brand you choose to buy , always extend the factory warranty for as long as you can.

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