
When you buy Pre-Seed online does it come in an unmarked package?

by  |  earlier

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We're staying with family I dont want them to know we're trying..... so I'm afraid to order it online. Does it come in an unmarked package? they dont continue to send spam in the mail do they? What are the best websites to buy it from?




  1. True - with preesed directly it came in a yellow manila envelope. I could not tell at all what it was - and even wondered who sent me something. i did not expect such a plain shipping. So, NO worries at all. It looks like an envelope from someone you would know.....

  2. I ordered from and it came in a plain package with a nondescript return address. I have everything delivered to work, rather than my apartment building, and the mailroom guys never have any idea that they're handing over various fertility aids.

    The PreSeed itself comes in little clear tubes that you'll have to throw away after you use them, but they're easily wrapped in toilet paper (or small enough to smuggle out of the house if your family is really nosy, like mine).

    Good luck!

  3. I have bought Pre-Seed from  

    It comes in a cardboard box that has Amazon's name and logo on it.  

    I have found the best prices through them and they don't send you spam.

  4. I can't tell you 100% but I've bought it before and I'm almost positive it just was a plain package with nothing giving it away. I never received anything else, and I simply googled preseed and it will show you some different sites to order.

  5. I bought Pre-Seed from the original website and it came in a padded manila envelope with some pretty benign address labels.  No worries whatsoever. ;0)

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