
When you buy a used car.....

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When you purchase a used car from a dealership, aren't they supposed to check things like the oil??

My brother just purchased a used vehicle about 45 days ago and it started running weird. He took it to a shop that specialized in his type of car (acura). They said there is engine damage due to no oil. He has not even driven 2,000 miles. Shouldn't the dealership be responsible for the damage?




  1. Some used carship dealers do check stuff like that and fix stuff like that on cars if needed before trying to sell them but some car lots are lazy and would rather just get it sold. But regaurdless, Your brother should be checking on that stuff. Its a pretty important thing to do when buying a car. Exspecially from a used car dealership. Sometimes tho, if theres not a sign or a paper you signed at the dealership that says sold as is, no waranty then car lots will fix things like that for you. You just have to ask. But if they dont and there was a paper that said, as is. Then if anything goes wrong with the car then your pretty much screwed and thats why your supposed to be really careful about buying cars used!

  2. Well, the logical other side of the coin is:  When you are spending thousands of dollars on a used car, shouldnt YOU check things like oil, belts, hoses, fluids and general condition?

    Shouldn't your brother also have checked the oil?  Sold is Sold, done is done.  Its caveat emptor - buyer beware - on ANY used car purchase, dealer or otherwise.  Its YOUR money, take logical steps to protect it.

    How would you go about proving that the oil WASNT checked and changed at the dealership?  Assuming that you could stretch to their responsibility, you would have an almost impossible hill to climb to show that they were in the wrong, and not the purchaser of the car.  A lot can happen in 45 days.

    This is why you check these things BEFORE handing over your hard earned cash.

    Also, get another mechanic to look at it.  Why trust just the one, he could be the guy out to make a fast buck on you.

  3. yes it is all there falt they should have checked for that  

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