
When you buy stuff of the internet dose it get drooped to your door or do you pick it up at the post office ?

by  |  earlier

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when you buy diet pills off line do they get sent to your door or do you pick them up at the post office and how much are they ? any good ones you know off? thankx for your help....X




  1. They should get sent to your house.. same as anything you order online.. If I order books from Amazon, they will be delivered to the house.. It will be the same with your diet pills...x

  2. Yeah they come to your house. If you are not home, you get a card asking you to go and collect it.

    Some prescription drugs may get stopped at customs but most probably get through. They wouldn't arrest you or anything though, just destroy the parcel. They don't have the resources to check every parcel so they randomly stop them.

    If you are buying from a place in the same country as you, then it won't be stopped.

  3. It's delivered to your home or whatever address you give them by a courier company.

  4. Since they are not drugs, but 'supplements', and not regulated by the FDA, they would be dropped off at your house.  Any diet pill that claims to offer results will come with instructions that advise you to eat a restricted calorie diet and exercise.  

    Even if you do drop a few pounds, if you resume your normal eating you will put the weight back on.  A less expensive, healthy alternative with motivation and advise is Weight Watchers, you can even do it online.  It's hard to get advise and motivation from a pill bottle.

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