
When you call in for jury duty to check and see if your number is listed , do they start the numbers at 0?

by  |  earlier

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When you call in for jury duty to check and see if your number is listed , do they start the numbers at 0?




  1. When I had jury duty, I never saw the list and they only read off or listed the numbers being called.. so I don't know.

  2. Never had to call in to see if I was on Jury Duty. In CT a notice is sent from the Clerk of the Court informing you that you have been selected for duty on a certain date, at certain hours and are in a pool . One appears with a good book, waits to see if he/she is selected. Once the juries for the various trials are selected the Clerk may or may not dismiss the non selected. The pool is made up of voters from various towns whose names come off the registered voters lists.

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