was their reaction what you expected?
I've came out to about 6 people or so (5 girls, 1 guy, getting there!) and I was actually quite suprised with half of them. They all accepted it and do not hate me for who I am.
Two of them are christians and they said they don't care what the bible says about me and that I'm going to heaven. That I am their friend regardless of who I am, or what I have done.
One of them was extremely homophobic (at least i thought so!) until 1 of her friends said that she wouldn't judge me on who I am, even though it seems that way. So, in the end I told her and she supported me 100%!
In the end, who I thought wouldn't accept it, did in the end regardless of what their beliefs are, or what they said because I was their good friends. Have you experienced similar outcomes?
P.S: "Homophobic" and/or Christians are not all that they seem! They can be brilliant people too!
I have AWESOME friends! :D