
When you can't let go of someone..?

by  |  earlier

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But were never actually "together" or "with them"? I liked (and still do) this woman for almost 4 years. I knew her before, but then we started working together. When we worked together, we were kind of close. She would always compliment me, stare at me, joke around,touch my hair, hand, arm/shoulder, etc...One time she came over and she gave me this stiker (for no reason) that said "you are wonderful". I said thanks and she said "Well, you are wonderful". She looked down at the floor as she said it. Twice she told me she missed me and she always seemed to care or worry about me when I seemed down or something. She gave me her cell number and on the day I quit, she asked for my home address. That was last february and she still hasn't made contact with me. Now my brother is going to the school where I used to work with her and he told me he saw her today and all these feelings came back really intensely. Almost like a panic attack, lol. She used to get migraines a lot and I always worried about her, and still do. But she's older than I and plus she's married with 2 older sons. I just figured, since I'm not actually with her there's no way I could actually "love" her. But I wanted to get everyone's opinion. Do you think you can "love" someone if you're not actually "with" them? And when you just can't seem to get over them, no matter what. Even when someone new enters your life, does that mean anything? She's just always there. If I'm not putting all my attention towards her, I can still feel her in the back of my mind. Do you sometimes certain people stay on your mind so much because they are somehow supposed to be in your life, and it just may not be the right time?





  1. when the friendship gets to be a burden on other peples lives

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