
When you can live forever, what do you live for?

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I live for Edward Cullen. =] And Nessie =]




  1. EXACTLY!! Your question pretty much points towards the meaning of life... and death

  2. The chance to give it up for someone I love..

  3. You can live for nothing if you lived forever, you wouldn't even be able to move if you lived that long so what's the point, you should just enjoy the time you have still.

  4. Love.

    Which is why I'm living right now.

    You and Nessie are all that I live for...=)

    I rather liked the_singularity's answer though. He obviously put a lot of thought into it.

  5. Jesus and ubiquitous utopia.

  6. That is precisely why we DON'T live forever, because if we did, there would be no reason to strive to get things done in the small amount of time we have here on Earth. If you could live forever then why would you be trying to work hard to further yourself, you could just say, "well I can just do that later, maybe in the next thousand years I'll get around to it. That is actually a gift that we die, otherwise we would all "die of boredom"... After the first thousand years or so, you would have already done everything there is to do so what would be the point? Every moment we have is special because we will neve live in this moment right now ever again... and now that moment just passed and is gone forever... If you lived forever that wouldnt be an issue and nothing would be special because whatever mistakes you made, you would have all the time in the world to make up for it... and plus even if YOU live forever, sometime in the distant future, the earth and sun will die... so hopefully you will have found a way to move on to another inhabitable planet. But if you could live forever I guess that is what you would live for, that would be the only reason to try to work hard to do something would be to figure out where we are going to go after this planet is dead...  

  7. Love, Books( I <3 books), Family. =E <----- vampire smiley! =] Bella say hi to everyone for me!

  8. We can only live forever when the object of our love also lives forever. And because we are choosing objects of love that die, our love also dies and we also die. Choose an eternal lovable object and your love and you will live forever. Where do all these relationships  of love come from if not from the Supreme? Where does love come from when all we can see is the external body that shrivels and dies within a few years? Love, true love, is eternal, but we cannot reach that space as long as we believe we are the temporary body or mind. Rasa, eternal relationship, is the eternal activity of the soul in love with the Supreme soul, the source of all energy.  

  9. What a silly question!  And then you answer it yourself.

  10. try figuring out the Grand Unification Theory. I am not joking, its truly fulfilling.  

  11. The same thing you live for now.

    The next moment.

  12. i dont want to live forever..if i have to then for my god..:)

  13. I would live for nothing for if my lover would die.

  14. The same things you live for should you know that you are mortal.  We don't live for death, just strive to accomplish before it overcomes us.

  15. love!

    finding true love and happiness =]

  16. why do you think no one lives forever

  17. All the wisdom and knowledge that can't be had in a life time, being able to see humanity progress and history in the making.  And assuming I won't be senile and decrepit, s*x, Drugs and Neo Soul!

  18. Hah. I live for Edward Cullen XD and Nessie... Eh, i could live without Jake tho...

    Didn't your husband already ask a similar question...?

  19. one word: love

    two words: true love

    many words: Living forever is meaningless unless your complete. being in love for everyone, and for edward, means that you are living for someone else. with someone whos life is more precious then your own, someone you would trade immortailty to me with because forever isnt forever without them.


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