
When you close your eyes to sleep..............?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike normally see some images as you drift off.

I, tonight, for the first time that I can remember, closed my eyes to sleep and saw nothing ie vanilla. My pre-sleep images were nothing.

I am a deep person and this has unnerved me somewhat.

Is there an explanation?




  1. Maybe you had too much on your mind or were thinking too hard about seeing things.  

  2. Explanation: try submitting question in a category besides gardening.

  3. That's because its not possible, at least not in that way I think....well here is what I have experienced a couple of times, I was woken up by my alarm clock and I turned it of really quickly and then i was sort of half asleep but still continued to dream what I had been dreaming before I was waken up. It Jase never happened to me when I am just about to fall asleep, only after I have slept for some time and get woken up and then try to go back to sleep.

  4. Mabye you were thinking about it too much?

  5. Were you really tired? =)

  6. maybe you did and you just can't remember? like sometimes we can't remember our dreams...

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