
When you close your mouth, are your teeth supposed to touch?

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as in your top row of teeth touches the bottom? Because when I close my mouth my jaw is still slightly open. it is uncomfortable for me to clench my teeth together, it feels too forced. Is this normal?




  1. totally normal. i'm sitting here lookin into a mirror at myself haha i look the same way!

  2. Everyone has a rest space so do not hold yout teeth together all the time.  Dr Walker

  3. you should be able to touch them when you try to, but unless your concious of how closed yer mouth is they won't touch.

  4. maybe you have an overbite.  

  5. yes, its normal for your teeth to touch when ure mouth is closed..

  6. ur teeth are suppose to touch when u close ur mouth( at least the back moalers. most people have jaw aligiment problems that  can be fixed. but it is not a big problem if u talk clearly and as long as u are comefortable. if u have uncomfortable....visit and orthadontist and he'll help u.

  7. My top row of teeth overlap my bottom row. The two rows touch a little (back of the top row to the front of the bottom row) when my mouth is closed. It's difficult for me to rest my top row directly on my bottom row. I have to almost dislocate my jaw to move my bottom row of teeth forward. Is that what you're describing? If so, you're normal. You just have an overbite. As long as it's not hideously ugly or causing you pain, then there's no reason to be worried.

  8. not really no. they are meant to overlap top in front of back. but if it causes no hassel i wouldnt bother worrying about it.

  9. Mine touch except for the 2 front teeth. I'm not sure if that's normal you might want to ask your dentist/orthodontist next time you see him/her.

  10. no, unless u have a jaw prob

  11. No what you are describing is not normal.

    See a dentist.

  12. no

  13. Your teeth are supposed to be aligned but not touch. They touch when u eat. When u are relaxed, your jaw isn't closed unless you force them too.  

  14. The only time your teeth are suppose to close to touching is when you are eating.  

  15. its normal for me.. im the same.. lol im sitting here opening and closing my mouth to check, i must look like a fool haha!!

  16. yes its normal. when ur mouth is closed ur teeth should have enough room between them for ur tongue to slighty go between. If they were clenched together, then u should be worried.

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