
When you come into C.E. is there for you a certain time that you don't want to hear anymore bad news?

by  |  earlier

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After all, most of the news has been told unless it's breaking news!!

What do you think??




  1. As a member of the (imaginary) clique that lives here from wake until sleep, (ref: Suggs Board Anon) I think that at this time of night,  I have usually heard enough bad news and a bit of light hearted banter cant hurt.

    However theres a few that dont agree. But those are the type of users that wont ever be happy.......

  2. There's not usually much new news to discuss come the evening, so where is the harm in a bit of light relief?

  3. I don't ever want to hear bad news, but unfortunately it's all we ever hear pretty sad really don't you think.

  4. if it gets boring with the same old questions

    have a trip over to the suggs board,lol

  5. That's the reason I come into CE-to cheer me up.  It's a d**n shame that everyone cannot understand that this is a form of entertainment, and not take everything here so serious.

  6. I know when I get to that time when I start advocating the mass slaughter of 3/4 of the contributors here on C.E. and actually feel I am contributing something to the milk of human kindness.

    I'm off to Singles & Dating to make a few more dozen "Am I pretty?" lovestruck teenagers feel good about themselves...

    Naah! It's late - time for my cocoa and slippers and a nice read of the National Geographic or the New Scientist in bed.  Second thoughts... slippers off in bed.

  7. Particularly if it's the same old subjects. I've given up on trying to answer some questions, don't think this is always the best place to do it. There was a time when I kept saying most young people are a good lot, soon gave up on that one, haven't changed my mind though.

  8. i havent heard bad news for a while, maybe cos ive not put the news on or bought the toilet sheets we call newspapers

  9. Yes.

    I need cheering up.

    And WHERE IS MY ******* BADGE????????????

  10. yes. a few days ago the bad news started getting to me. the trolls actually cheer me up sometimes, something to laugh at.

  11. If I get bored in here, I spread my widely varied knowledge through other sections...

  12. Yes, mostly evenings. It doesn't mean we don't's just that what on earth can we say or do that will make any difference.

    Edit: JOMAMO you lost your ******* badge cos you had the temerity to go away on holiday...... !

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