
When you continually wish for our defeat in Iraq, can I start questioning your patriotism?

by Guest59708  |  earlier

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This kind of stuff does actually hurt our morale, and yes you are aiding and abetting the enemy.




  1. stop watching fox news dum3ass. there were no weapons of mass destruction. you're an idiot and that is bad for morale and it definitely aids and abetts the enemy. You're a fool and these morons in our government would not be able to get away with this c**p if it were not for idiots like you. communist pig!!!!!

  2. Gee, when I was growing up and we were still taught Patriotism in school, war was not mentioned as being a 'Patriotic Act'.

  3. Do you call it wishing defeat when you want your sons and daughters to come home alive and in good health?

  4. we don't wish for defeat, you know what that is - it is political rhetoric that has no truth to it.  You know, kind of like:


  5. I have never seen a single person wish for a defeat in Iraq....and a majority of Americans would support ANY logical strategy in this war that would bring about resolution, but....if the administration is unable to develope a plan that results in avictory, it would be illogical to just stay ad infinitum, having our troops killed for no gain

  6. Everyone has their own opinion on what constitutes as true patriotism. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that have patriotism, or believe they do, but don't agree with the war in Iraq. Many Christians have protested, saying, "Thank God for dead soldiers." It's sad but everyone has their own opinion. But, the real question is what is true patriotism? The dictionary defines it as: "devoted love, support, and defense of one's country; national loyalty." I personally believe if someone wishes our defeat in Iraq then yes you should question it because no matter what conquests we face, we should always support our troops and the leaders that may have made mistakes in their choices.

  7. Have people been wishing for our defeat? I'm not, I just want our withdrawal (UK)

  8. How long would we have to stay in Iraq till you said it would be OK to bring our troops home?  Till the so called american patriots bled dry the coffer of the treasury?

    If Al-queda is getting stronger in Pakistan and Afghanistan why are we in Iraq?   I worked in the Oil Sector of Iraq reconstruction.  I know how about you.

    When you say our morale who are you taking about the same self serving American patriots?  The soldiers say they want to be home with their families, only the Generals who will retire and go to work for SAIC or Dynacorp or Haliburton or Parsons or Perinni(owned by Dianne Feinsteins husband) say that the war is improving.

    The V-22 Osprey is a piece of junk and it will crash often in Iraq but they got to get it over there because its the only way they can justify keeping a program going that was destine to be scraped and should have been shut down before.  You see where the Generals who are pushing this end up.(Bell Helicopter Textron and Boeing Helicopters.)   Boeing has gotten away with all kinds of criminal activity with nothing more than a stap on the hand

  9. from my understanding the reason for our troops to be in Iraq in the first place was to get Saddam Hussein out of power..Well Our boys did that then all of a sudden it all changed, so you tell me why the change? We did what we set out to do so why didn't we bring our boys home then

  10. ryan it looks like you have been brainwashed - why would you even ask such a question - outta touch with whats going on at home?  you sound like someone is paying you to ask some really silly questions.

    come home soon and fight for the re installation of the united states constitution so your children will never be bought and sold for oil and war profits.

    this is coming from someone who supports the constitution of the united states of america.

    ryan when you question the patriotism of people for expressing themselves then it is you that needs to be tried.

  11. No one is wishing for our defeat, saving the lives of our troops is not wishing for defeat. There is no winning or losing in Iraq, it has been a futile endeavor and it will continue to be futile.

  12. Maybe I support the insurgents

  13. Yesterday five more America troops were killed. The day before, Tony Snow, the press secretary for the President, was singularly unimpressed by the fact that the Iraqi government was going to take off the month of August, because its hot.

    So our troops face dying for a government that can take a month off even as our fully geared up troops can swelter in the heat of a foreign country that cannot, after five years of training take care of themselves. There is no more war, we won, the dictator is gone, they have voted in a government twice now, the fighting that is happening there is a civil sectarian war. We don't belong there anymore. Bring the troops back, lets get serious about our borders, lets get serious about examining the backgrounds of our legal as well as illegal immigrants, and then maybe we can truly keep our country safe.  

    If the news that the government of Iraq can take a month long vacation from their air conditioned offices while the soldiers who protect them get heat stroke doesn't hurt morale, then surely the dismissive way Snow handled the inquiry would do more than anything anyone can say or do simply by wanting our men home.

    Patriotism is love of country, not love of the Republican party line on the war.

  14. Anyone that is wanting Americans to fail, to be defeated, or to be weakened should be questioned about their patriotism and publicly tried for TREASON!!!!   Aiding and abetting is not serious enough, and prison time, TREASON and a SHORT ROPE AND A TALL TALL TREE is a whole lot better for the enemy of the state.   IT is OK to question political policies, but when you are weakening America, Calling for American Defeat, and weakening the American security so America can be attacked again, that isn't abetting the enemy, it is TREASON, and should be called such.

  15. Agreed.

    But these will be the same people who will scream that no one tried to save them if another tragedy befalls this country like 9/11.

  16. Welcome to America where you have the right and even the duty to express your own opinion.

  17. Yes.  But it probably more apt to question common sense.  If the US pulls out of Iraq before a stable situation exists there, what is to keep Taliban, al Qaeda, and other lowlifes from doing there what they did in Afghanistan?  And this with access to Saddam's WMD materials (now in Syria).

  18. I see you are believing all the propaganda the bush people mouth. They are the ones who do not support the troops, lied, cherry picked the lies they wanted to tell, killed 3,620 soldiers, didn't give the troops enough equipment/protection against the enemy, bush changes the mission every time his mouth opens to spout another lie. We need an administration who knows what the truth is. We need an administration who has honor, this one doesn't.

  19. As far as I know the anti-war movement is not asking for the US army to be defeated in Iraq.

    They're divided in the following groups

    * US taxpayers that don't want to PAY for the war

    * People that think the invasion was totally uncalled for (plus illegal under the US law)

    * People that advocate for the rights of the Iraq people

    * People that think the war in a problem worse than the problem it's trying to solve

    * Iraq People, they want the invader out. They don't care about winning the war. They've lost already, they just want to cut their losses at this point.

  20. it's not that people are wishing for a defeat in Iraq, can't you understand that.  It's the same as with Viet Nam, it's a no win situation.  We aren't talking about winning or losing, we are talking about pulling out and leaving the country to the people who belong in the country.  It isn't our country to make policy for.  Let the Iraqi people stand on their own and govern themselves.   We should merely be overseers, not the military forcing a government down their throats.

  21. The idea of defeat in Iraq presupposes there's something to win.  Those who have died there have died for nothing!

  22. Being a realist about how much of a failure this war has been is not wishing for defeat, it's simply the truth. I'm sick of this President and his administration and their PR firm (Fox News) trying to brand as traitors anyone who disagrees with this war or the President's policies. I don't know any Democrats that have said they were wishing or hoping for our defeat.

  23. I don't think most Americans wish for our defeat.

    I think most Americans wish we hadn't gone in their to begin with and wish to better use our resources and wish to reduce the number of terrorist we are creating every day.

    I can't stop you from questioning my patriotism - that is your right.  I can, however, ignore you.

  24. Your confusing wishing defeat with considering war a mistake.  I wish we could be successful, I just know we can't.

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