
When you critique or criticize an actor or actress by how they perform....?

by Guest56160  |  earlier

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...does it mean you are jealous of them? (Only applies to negative criticism).




  1. If you critique a flower arrangement are you jealous of the flower arrangement?

    I think you are asking a question within a question or one idea is inside another idea. You have not given us all of the information. What I mean is you have an idea about a particular actress or person and already have an idea that the criticism may be based in jealousy. What and why is the critique done? Of course it could be jealousy. Is it always... no I doubt it. Have you ever been critiqued on something you were working to develop? Perhaps you are an actress. I have been critiqued and the critique has helped me to see, learn, and choose what or if changes should be made. I am not an actress though.

  2. well it's a yes and a no.yes because you wanted to be like them and no, because you think you could do that better.

    i am like this you know.

  3. No, it does not. Some people can actually discern a good performance from one that is not so good or downright awful. If your theory held water, every actor/actress puts on a good performance 100% of the time. That just isn't the case, and to point it out has nothing to do with jealousy.

  4. Im a actress myself and i know that it realy helps me to get constuctive critisisim. The problem came i think when you only gave her credit for her looks, sumthing that she has no choice over. And you may have come across a little harsh when you didnt like her performance.As a actress, im always looking for sumthing good to say about a fellow actors performance no matter how much it sucked overall. So maybe somehthing like, "She looks very fake, but i liked her vocal inflection." would work. Just try to think posativly. And remember that people can get touchy, so its always good to start with the good, and end with the bad. I dont think you were cruel or anything. You just need a little good to go with the bad :)

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