
When you cry you need a shoulder to cry on or you like your solitude..?

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When you cry you need a shoulder to cry on or you like your solitude..?




  1. As much as I probably need a shoulder....I cry alone

  2. It depends on why I'm crying, and on m choice of shoulders.  I like to cry alone about certain issues, and when I'm in certain moods.  Other topics and times, I like having a friendly shoulder.  Also, there are some people who I'd never go around when I'm crying - no matter what topic or mood.

  3. I like to be by myself. I hate to  make my family feel bad just because I feel sad or upset.

  4. if I cry, I just need myself....

  5. usually Solitude

    then a shoulder to lean on when I am done crying

  6. . I don't like to show my weakness to much....They can't fully understand what I'm going through so I like to be alone.

  7. I don't really see a reason for crying.

  8. i need a shot of tequila a cigarrette and retail therapy.

  9. Usually when someone cries,they are either depressed or sad. In this state of being, people usually like to be by themselves to think things over and as soon as that state is over, we share it with people to let the pressure out. then, wah feel better.

  10. It depends on why I'm crying.

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