
When you declare your car SORN in the UK....?

by  |  earlier

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1) What happens to the tax which i have already paid for the remainder of the year? Do i get it paid back? I paid for a year (£120) from June, and might declare it SORN in September.

2) What happens to the insurance? Mine expires in February, do i have to cancel it or can i pause it.

3) What happens to the MOT, will i still have to MOT it again when the expiry date comes (next June), or will they add on the months in which it was declared SORN?

Sorry, don't know much about cars and car law etc.




  1. You can claim back unused months by sending in your disc

    You can cancel or keep the insurance, but car could get burned or stolen so at least have 3rd party I would suggest

    You will have to have current MOT when you put it back on road, yes you will have to MOT again, you can't pause it

  2. Above are both correct.  Remember you can not even leave car parked on road if it is sorned.  Must be kept on private property.

    The worst way to treat a car is to leave it unused.  If you are going away for 6 months make sure someone starts and drives car, even for a short distance( up and down driveway) once per week, if not when you return the battery will be flat and possibly damaged.  Brakes will be rusty and maybe seized.  Clutch can seize.  Store in a dry garage if you have this option.

    If this is not possible consider selling car now and buy another when you return.

  3. 1. You can get a refund on the remaining tax by declaring SORN. You will need to complete a V14 form.

    2. You may still want to insure your car for theft and fire while it is off road so contact your insurance company and ask them. If you cancel it you will get a refund and you will then have to take out a new policy when you wish to re-tax your car.

    3. The MOT will run and expire according to whatever is on the certificate. You will need a new MOT when you want to re-tax your car but it does not need one while it is off the road and you have declared SORN.

  4. Dunrobin is close but this is what you should do:-

    Declare SORN on the relevant form ASAP, make sure that the vehicle is OFF ROAD.

    Inform your insurance but retain Fire & Theft cover (as the vehicle is off road it can't be damaged by a third party)

    Return the tax disc to DVLA  BEFORE the end of September for a refund from 01.10.08.

    When you come to re-use the vehicle, apply for a tax disc and inform the insurance that the vehicle will be in full use.


  5. Typical situation you have like many other people,therefor,be patient and check out the resource here i found useful.

  6. You can apply for a refund of both tax and insurance and if you've declared it SORN you do not need to renew the MOT when it expires. You need only do that if you put your car back on the road

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