
When you die, do you think you time travel?

by  |  earlier

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this is what i heard the other day and has got me thinking about a way i never thought of. here goes.

the earth has a maximum time in space and when it reaches a certain age, it dies or blows up or something. when this happens, time starts again with the earth starting back at the beginning. we are all like a cycle so when we die, we come back when the earth starts again and we are reborn again and then we die and then we come back again when the earth starts again. a continues loop cycle. if you believe in reincarnation and/or remember a past life you lived before, it may be possible you have lived them lives before, died, then reincarnated, then died, then again and again. because the earth has restarted and started again so many times why some people remember their past lives as it has happened/recycled so many times. when you have died, you remain a ghost/spirit waiting for the earth and your body to recycle so you can go back in and restart your continues reincarnations again.




  1. i believe that when u die, u'll reborn into another person... but after i've read ur statement, i thinking that can be true

  2. Er, no! The earth will be destroyed when the sun expands. This happens to stars all the time, and does not effect space-time, and certainly does not involve any sort of cycle.

    Your hypothesis is very geo-centric, you confuse the history of the earth with that of the universe (There are some people who think the universe may go through big bang / big crunch cycles, although there is not much evidence for this)

    I'm afraid the technical expression is 'a load of codswallop!'

  3. yes

  4. no...

  5. This reminds me of the book of mormon!

  6. well that wouldn't be much fun.  Blind belief is a scary thing.

    OOOooo i see so the sun colapses into a black hole and the earth and all the everything is pulled in to be spit out back in time before the creation of the earth thus the creation of the earth.  Neat-O

  7. dont do drugs

  8. I guess there would have to be congestions charges and traffic lights as the celestal highway will be packed full of wandering souls.

    Like the thought though.

  9. I think someone has watched one too many episodes of Star Trek

  10. I have no proof but time travel in another dimension could be possible. Quantum Physics people are saying that when particles disappear and reappear they may be traveling in another dimension and are hot to discover how that happens. Their goal is to do more research and someday send things and people

    thru this dimension and back again. The Russians are also working on this very thing.

       As a Christian I do not personally believe in reincarnation but however God wants to travel souls to heaven is fine with me.

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