
When you die, does your heart stop beating first or your lungs?

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Just a little question that's intriguing me for a while.Please clarify my confusion :)




  1. i think if heart stop then lungs also. But it is also possible that we do not braeth but heart still working. Just i am guess

  2. heart

    as firstly the blood enters the then for purification it enters into lungs and then oxgenated blood into heart for circulation which is knoewn as double circulation.

    so i think the answer would be heart

  3. "Natural causes" is not really one single thing like people think.  Heart failure is a natural cause, and so is lung failure.  Both of those things can happen in old age and both will cause the other to fail.  And that's what death is, the failure of vital organs.

  4. heart, but it also depends on how u die... some die of heart attack, so heart... or someone stabbed in the lungs, so lungs

  5. heart dil lives on

  6. if it is a natural death the lungs will stop functioning first becaz when we breath the air is taken to the lungs and not to the heart,the heart is for pumping the blood to varies parts of the body, it depends on also the nature of the death

  7. You always quit breathing first. Heres why: The only reason you breath is because of the oxygen levels is the lungs. As your lungs take in oxygen the heart pumps it through the body. If the heart stopped the lungs would have to breath because the oxygen level in the lungs wouldn't change. So if the heart is beating the lungs are working no matter if your choking they are still trying to inhale air. If the Heart stops so do the lungs.

  8. My guess is that the heart would stop first and the lungs would continue until the oxygenated blood ran out.

    Don't really know.

  9. I don't think my lungs beat. ;)

    Seriously though, it entirely depends on how you die. If you had a heart attack, then your heart would stop first. If you choked or drowned to death, then your lungs would fail first.

    If it is neither of those methods, or similar methods, then they will most likely stop at the same time when your brain dies.

  10. Heart stops beating and the lungs stop pumping together

  11. Usually the respirations/breathings give way first, and the heart later, how ever there are situations of simultaneous crdiorespiratory arrest and rather uncommonly of heart stopping and agonal breathing while the patient is on assisted ventilation with the help of a machine the heart can stop however the breathing is not a natural but a life support system, every thing fails ultimately at the cellular level

  12. Heart stops first.  

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