
When you do Remote it your spirit that sees these things or your brain?

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Mycroft..Did you see what Jonquill said about your mom?? Shame on Jonquill. I bet her mom wears army boots. lol OK..let's straighten up here before there's another fight!




  1. 'Spirit' and 'brain' aren't the only possible answers.  One thing for certain (as Mycroft notes) the brain _has_ to be involved.  It acts as the transducer of non-local signals (whatever their origin) so that we can perceive them here in the physical world.  But is it your spirit that does the actual perceiving at the target?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe spirit is part of mind...or maybe it is separate, and some aspects of mind are independent of brain or spirit.  Or maybe (as some folks would believe) there's no such things as 'spirit' per se.  But since remote viewing works -- and has been demonstrated to work many times -- maybe it is just some non-local aspect of mind that transcends the physical brain that does the 'viewing.'

  2. Your brain is only the modem it is your spirit that 'perceives' the target. In all of reality the brain's function is to relay TO AND FROM this reality the physical attributes we assign to each and every, for lack of a better word 'thing'.

    Yes, your capacity for intellect is a healthy brain. Your capacity for sanity is both healthy brain and mind.

    Spiritual significance resides within the mind and is contacted through the brain. Don't fall over on this one Deenie.

    The body has it's own memories too. God created us unique organisms.

    So hey, to the folks that want to believe that we were planted by aliens, fine but we all came from the same stock the same basic building materials.  

    To those that believe in evolution, which one of our ancestors screwed the monkey? Didn't think so.. Was your question answered?

  3. "which one of our ancestors screwed the monkey?"

    Maybe it was Mycrofts's mum?



    But did you see what he said about evolution?! Thems fightin' words!

  4. You see it through your third eye (aka the Brow Chakra), so the answer is...both, in my experience. :)  

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