
When you don't like the questions being asked and you can't think of a good question what do you do?

by  |  earlier

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When you don't like the questions being asked and you can't think of a good question what do you do?




  1. Go to plan B

  2. I complain and put complaints like

    'where are all the good questions today?!"

    in my answers

  3. I ask a stupid question!

  4. Find something enjoyable to do. I read, write, or go for a walk. Now I have to study as well since classes started again. If I wait long enough a question will pop into my mind.

  5. I like to get off Y!A and go read a book or watch TV.

  6. Go to

  7. I'm assuming make a question like this... or just go to a different site?

  8. Ummm i dont answer the question nor do i ask a question. I wait untill my creative mind comes up with a question.

  9. Press the refresh button... on screen.with hopes a challenging question will arrive.

  10. I dont answer

  11. Good question ......i'd probably go to another site and check it out again after 15 minutes or so...

  12. Watch tv

  13. if it is so i can relax after closing yahoo itself

  14. go to another category, go to another website, start going into the archives of your favourite category. When you come back, there will be new questions.

  15. I have a beer and braid my hair.

    The questions change and the stupid people go away.

  16. curl up in the fetal position and cry.

  17.   take a pass and come back latter

  18. just stare at the screen for a good 10 minutes then try again.

  19. me i start answering questions that sometimes gives me an idea. to make a question with that subject, but in a different form

  20. its kinda like the weather...wait around and they will change!

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