
When you dont want to see something... doesnt it seem like you are seeing it all the time : (?

by Guest59577  |  earlier

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some people say its because you are looking out for it... but i have tried looking out for other things... like a test... but i definitely keep seeing the thing i dont want to : (... is that weird? or does it happen to you too? (im not superstitious but it does seem strange)




  1. yeah that happens a lot. like when you buy a new car and all of the sudden you see that car everywhere. its a sub conscience thing. you have no control over it.

  2. its because the universe does not recognize omissions. by focusing attention on what you dont want, you are inadvertently drawing it closer to you. instead of putting energy and focusing on what you dont want, put energy and focus into what you DO want... see if anything changes. like attracts like. thats the secret. speak of it as though you already have it

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